16 - Sixteen - Nikita Russo's Point Of View.

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Waking up at sunrise was not how I saw myself waking up. Viktor was passed out beside me and I watched him. The sun lit up the room ever so slightly, his handsome features visible. I inched closer and lifted the blankets as I moved against him. Climbing on top of him, I set my hands on his chest, his t-shirt ridden up and his skin looked smooth, littered with a light trail of hair. I leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips, feeling the electricity between us. His arms wrapped around me and he pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. I pulled away and smiled stupidly.

"Morning Kita." He hummed, his voice deep and full of sleep. "What do I owe the pleasure of this close visit?"

"Shush." I muttered and moved one of my hands up the bare skin that was exposed. He grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand out of his shirt, and I hated that. I wanted to touch him, in the worst way.

"Nikita, it's like six in the morning. What the hell are you up to?"

I let out a groan and pushed against him. "Why are you doing this? Why aren't you letting me touch you?"

"Nikita, relax. It's really early in the morning. You should go back to sleep."

"I refuse. Touch me, damn you. You touched me before, and now that we are married, you won't!" I yelled, my frustrations finally reaching a peak.

Viktor slapped his hand over my mouth and whispered. "Unless you want to wake up your brother and his husband, lower your voice." I glared at him, my heart pounding. He let go of my mouth and looked into my eyes, his expression serious. Finally, he sighed and pulled me closer to him. "I want to touch you, and I want what you're trying to give me, but not at the cost of ruining a chance to build something better with you, Nikita."

"Don't be stupid. How would having sex ruin anything? We've had sex before."

Viktor let out a sigh, and I could tell he had enough of this. Viktor let me go when I pushed away from him.

"Nikita, this isn't something to get—--"

"Enough Viktor, I don't want to talk about this anymore. Go back to sleep." I was annoyed with this behaviour from him, but I didn't want to force him or push him to have sex with me. That wasn't at all what I wanted from him. Part of me was pleased he was taking this marriage seriously and the other part of me was again annoyed with him.

I wanted him to understand my feelings and listen to me, but he didn't. I sighed and got up to leave, feeling frustrated and disappointed in myself. I needed to put some space between us. Leaving the bedroom, I was grateful to see Lev was already up, and sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee.

"Coffee is in the pot. Alessio is still sleeping, so please keep it down." Lev said and sipped his coffee.

I nodded, and went to grab a cup off the shelf, filling it with hot steaming coffee. Getting cream out of the fridge, I poured the perfect amount in my cup, and dropped two sugar cubes in too, before stirring it. Sitting back down at the table, I brought it up to my lips and took a gentle sip of the still far too hot liquid, burning my tongue.

"How did you sleep?"

"I slept alright. I could have gone for more sleep."

"You didn't have to get up. You were more than welcome to stay in bed longer." Lev said, and looked at the spare room door, before smiling. "Unless there's a reason you're not in there now."

Exhaling, I set my cup down and pulled my hand through my messy hair. "There is a reason, but it's not really one I want to get into with you. Just know I'm frustrated, and I hate this."

"This is about Viktor or?"

"Yes. It's about Viktor. I want something, and he won't let me have it, and I can't force him to. That would be so fucking wrong, and illegal. I would rather off myself before I would ever force him into that. I just want him to touch me, like he did before." I huffed and realised that I said a little more than I felt like I should have.

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