23 - Twenty - Three - Nikita Russo's Point Of View.

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The training building was surprisingly busy, with both newbies and henchmen at work. Slowly, I walked around, watching the work everyone was doing, and occasionally became aware that I was being watched. I figured it had to do with the fact I was here instead of Viktor, and most of these people had never seen me. Delaney hovered behind me, and I spoke.

"Is Sebastian Cesar always like that? Like how he was tonight."

Delaney paused and stepped closer. "Rothschild. Sebastian Rothschild. Calling him by that last name might get you killed, Nikita."

"The former don called him Sebastian Cesar."

"Sebastian doesn't use his father's last name. He has gone by his mother's last name, Rothschild, ever since he killed his father in cold blood." Delaney said and looked around. "His father was a cruel bastard and beat his mother daily, and Sebastian gave him it all concentrated in one night."

"How are you aware of this?"

"Viktor, of course."

"Right. I should have figured that out."

Finishing up the walk around the training room, I stretched my hands over my head, popping my shoulders before turning to Delaney. He looked tired too.

"Hey, what do you think the chances are that Viktor will let me use this stuff to train too?" I asked.

"I couldn't tell you. I am just his underling. You are his treasured Nikita, his husband."

"I don't know if you could call me treasured." I laughed.

"I remember seeing you here the last time, when he held you against your will. I was still moving up the ranks then, but I remember the way you spoke to him. Disrespectful, and asking for death. Yet he smiled and brushed it off like you told him you loved him instead. Viktor doesn't hold anyone on a pedestal the way he does you, Nikita."

I nodded and knew he was right. Leaving the training hall finally, Delaney and I parted ways just before Viktor's office. I thanked him and lightly knocked on the door, waiting for Viktor to tell me to come in before doing so. He smiled softly when he saw me.

"You're still slightly drunk, aren't you?" I asked him.

"Guilty, but hush about it. I've been worse."

Walking around the desk, I turned his chair and stepped between his legs before hugging him. His head rested on my lower torso and he took a deep breath of me.

"Mmm, you smell like me," he hummed.

"Yes, I used some of your cologne. I like the smell, but I much rather like it when it's on you."

He lightly pushed me back when I finished hugging him so that he could stand up. He stepped closer to me and pressed a kiss to my lips, parting just long enough to tell me we were going to the bedroom. He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his hips.

"Let me know before you drop me." I laughed, and his hands cupped my ass cheeks.

"I won't drop you, Nikita."

"I sure hope you mean that. The other ways you can bruise my body are far nicer." I whispered, getting closer to his ear.

"Kita, now is not the time for this. You should sleep—we should sleep."

"Definitely. But first, I think I'll have to tire myself out. I drank a coffee on the way back here." I said, just before he leaned over the bed and I dropped onto the mattress.

"Of course you did."

"Is that a problem?" I said, teasing him.

He chuckled and shook his head. He lay down next to me and pulled me into his arms. He worked to unbutton the shirt I had on, before moving to my pants, and popping the button and unzipping them with one hand. His hand slipped down my pants and he cupped my cock and balls. He applied pressure, and I groaned.

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