03 - Three - Nikita Russo's Point Of View.

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I ignored him, and he waited for a guard to come. They spoke in what I assumed was Italian before the guard nodded and left.

"He's gone to find you a guard that speaks English." Viktor said and sighed. "My words in the lounge were inappropriate and for that, I apologize, Nikita."

"Forget it. I'm going back inside." I muttered and turned around, heading back to the Villa. Viktor followed me inside the entire way to the bedroom. I took my shoes off and my hair down, and threw the blankets back, before getting underneath them.

"Shut the light off when you leave the bedroom. I'm tired." I hissed at him before covering my face with a pillow. I heard the light flick off, and took the pillow away from my face, and Viktor was still in the room. He was sitting in the lounge chair, texting on his phone. I watched him, and he looked up at me.

"Nikita, listen. The next time you want to leave the Villa you must take someone with you. Don't go off on your own, it isn't safe," he said, and went back to whatever he was doing on his phone.

"I want you to apologize to me, and mean it. Until then, don't bother giving me a hollow apology, Viktor." I said and rolled so I couldn't see him and closed my eyes.

"I'll wake you up for lunch." Viktor said, and I didn't respond. There was no point. I was trying to go to sleep again. The only thing I wanted was to go back to the Russo mansion, at least there I didn't feel so helpless. Here I couldn't even rely on Lev for help.

I woke up to Viktor yelling. I had no clue how long I had been sleeping, but he was definitely angry about something. Part of me knew getting out of this bed was a bad idea, but I still did it. The closer I got to Viktor, the louder his angry tantrum was. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before I knocked.

"What!" Viktor snapped from behind the door, and he yanked it open. He looked at me and his face softened. "Sorry, did I wake you?"

"You could wake the dead with all that screaming."

He pulled a hand through his hair, and I finally decided to ask him what happened and why this was occurring.

"I was on the phone. The useless men I employ fucked things up for me yet again. I will have to head back early and—-"

"I'm alright with postponing the rest of our honeymoon for another time." I said, and Viktor narrowed his eyes at me. He clearly didn't like that idea. "What the hell are you up to, Nikita?"

"I don't like it here. I don't know where I am, though I'm sure I have a clue now, and I can't speak Italian. At least at the Russo family mansion, I have my choice of languages to speak. I also know the Russo mansion." I ran my hand through my hair. "Though I'm sure that is why you brought me here. So I couldn't run away, but I never thought about it."

"If I knew this ring and a piece of paper were the best way to tie you down, I would have done that first." Viktor chuckled and closed the space between us. "Best collar and leash going, Nikita."

"You devalued the commitment of marriage alone with that mindset. It's disgusting." I hissed and reached out, grabbing him by the hair. "You don't deserve me, or this marriage."

His hand wrapped around my wrist and he whispered dangerously, "Nikita, you would do well to let go of my hair now."

"Or what, Viktor? What are you going to do?" I snapped, his very presence getting under my skin.

Viktor sighed and applied pressure to my wrist. And it wasn't comfortable. But I doubted he was going to break my only good wrist, right here like this. I slowly released my grip on his hair and he let me go. He stepped away, his gaze cold as ice. I stood there, my heart racing, and wondering if there was a moment he thought about doing something worse to me. I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. I could feel the adrenaline still pumping through my body. I knew I had to get out of there before things got out of hand. Everything in me wanted to get violent, just like I had been trained.

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