19 - Nineteen - Nikita Russo's Point Of View.

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Viktor woke me up when he came into the room, and I watched him. The light from the lamp he turned on exposed wounds on his lip, and blood on his cuffs of his dress shirt.

"What happened?" I muttered, looking at him.

"Go back to sleep. This is nothing."

"It's not nothing." I said, sitting up and remembering that I was naked. Yanking the blankets off, I walked to the dresser to pull a shirt out and pulled it on. "Let me have a look at you in the bathroom light."

"Go back to bed. I have this handled," he said and started walking to the bathroom. Sighing, I followed him to the bathroom and leaned against the door as he took his jacket off and unbuttoned his dress shirt.

"Who did this to you, Viktor?"

"That's not important. I told you to go back to bed, Nikita. Damn it, listen to me," he snapped, and I crossed my arms, not moving an inch.

"Don't yell at me. It's an ungodly hour of the morning, and I don't appreciate it."

Standing at the sink, he turned to look at me. His dress shirt was completely undone and showed off his tanned and fit torso. I let my eyes trail down his figure before meeting his eyes again.

"It's not serious, you don't need to help," he said finally, grabbing a cloth to clean his lip. I watched him scrub at it, causing it to bleed again. Going to stand beside him, I took the cloth away and frowned.

"Gimme that. Look at what you've done. You're bleeding again. You could have been far gentler with your lip."

Patting his lip with the cloth lightly, he hissed and his eyes darkened. "That hurts."

"Next time, don't be so damn aggressive." I bitched, and he reached out, his fingers tangling in my hair.

"What a fucking tangled mess," he said, and clicked his tongue at me. "You should have dried it properly before you went to sleep."

"I'm just happy to have gone to sleep and stayed that way for a decent amount of time. I feel pretty good now." I said.

With him being this close to me, I could pick up on the scent of alcohol on his breath. But he wasn't drunk.

"Was the one who did this the one you were drinking with?"

"Not quite. But he ruined my drink. I can say with confidence that he is no longer anyone's problem. Fucking shady drug dealers."

"What happened?"

"Nothing you need to worry about. I've dealt with it already." Viktor said and slipped his dirty shirt off and tossed it in the bathroom garbage. He unbuckled his belt, pulled it out of his pants, setting it on the counter. "Get me the things you bought earlier."

It took a moment for me to realize what he was asking for. I left for the bedroom and grabbed them, coming back to the bathroom. He took them from me and opened the lube. He set it down and reached out, grabbing me by the hips and picking me up. He set on the countertop and unbuttoned his pants. He shoved his boxers and the pants down, exposing his cock.

He grabbed the hem of the shirt I had on and lifted it up. "Bite this for me."

Opening my mouth, I accepted the shirt when he placed it in my mouth.

"Good boy."

He ran his fingers down my chest and down around my cock, piquing the interest of my sexual organ. He reached for the lube and put some on his hand, before he opened my legs wider and stepped between them. He set the lube down and grabbed both of our cocks. The lube was slightly cool, but his hand was warming it as he stroked our cocks together. He grabbed my hand with his clean hand and set it on our cocks, and set his other hand over mine and moved our hands and his hips. His cock and hand rubbing against my dick felt pretty fucking delightful. More so because I was sexually frustrated with him, ignoring my need for his cock.

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