Ch 23: Rini's guy best friend

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The summer break had officially ended

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The summer break had officially ended. The students were back to school, the classroom hummed with the usual chatter of students, desks arranged in neat rows as the students sat on their usual seats awaiting their class teacher Nisha ma'am to come. Rini, Chaaya, and Samarth discussed their summer breaks gathered over at Rini's desk since Saransh was absent. Their conversation paused as the classroom door swung open, revealing their class teacher.

Nisha Ma'am walked in accompanied by a boy who looked their age. "Good morning, everyone," Nisha Ma'am greeted, drawing the attention of the class. "Today, we have a new addition to our class. Please welcome Sushant Chauhan." Rini's gaze flickered to the newcomer, her curiosity piqued by the unfamiliar face. Sushant stepped forward, his eyes scanning the room before settling on Rini. A flicker of recognition passed through his eyes, though Rini remained oblivious to the connection.

Nisha Ma'am continued, "Sushant joins us in mid-term, as a case of special admission. I want all of you to help him settle in. You may sit with," she paused her gaze scanning an empty seat, her eyes landed onto the empty seat beside Rini, she then continued," Rini, you may sit with Rini, Sushant. Her partner Saransh is absent today, she's going to help you out and Saransh can sit with Nitin. Rini please raise your hand so Sushant knows where you are."

As Sushant settled into the seat besides her, Rini couldn't shake the feeling of intrigue that lingered in her mind. "Hey, I'm Rini," she introduced herself, offering a friendly smile. Sushant returned the smile, his eyes sparkling with a hint of nostalgia. "Nice to meet you again, Rini. You might not remember me but I remember you. I actually used to be your neighbor when we were kids. We then moved away and I changed schools so we lost touch."

Rini's eyes widened in surprise, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place. "Wait, what? Really? I'm sorry, I don't remember you at all." Sushant nodded, a wistful smile playing on his lips, "Yeah, we used to be best friends. I've missed those days." Rini's mind raced as she tried to recall any memories of her childhood neighbor. Despite her efforts, she couldn't conjure up any recollections of Sushant. However, his sincerity and warmth were enough to intrigue her.

"Wow, I had no idea," she replied, her tone filled with genuine surprise. "Well, it's nice to meet you again, Sushant." She felt a mix of excitement and nervousness at the prospect of reconnecting with her long-lost friend. Soon Nisha ma'am started teaching drawing all their attention in. After the class ended, Sushant went out with Nisha ma'am to get his temporary ID card from her. Chaaya leaned in towards Rini, "Ri, I met him yesterday and forgot to tell you. I'm sorry."

She paused upon noticing the change of expressions on Rini's face and then continued after a second, "I asked him yesterday too on how he knew you but he gave me a vague answer. Do you know him, baby?", she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity. Rini hesitated for a moment before responding, "Actually Chiyu, I think I used to. He mentioned that he was my neighbor when we were kids and when his parents shifted, he got admitted to a new school and we lost touch. He also told me that we used to be best friends."

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