Ch12 : Welcome to Manali

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When they looked outside they could see a small tea stall kind of restaurant

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When they looked outside they could see a small tea stall kind of restaurant. Everyone was supposed to get off the bus to freshen up because they had to travel for approximately four more hours. There was a huge crowd outside the restroom. Most of the girls only went to wash their faces as the washroom there seemed unhygienic to them. Some ordered maggie while some ordered the famous tapri ki chai aka tea and had them without even brushing. Chaaya never even drank water without brushing, let alone eating maggie or having tea. She chose to be the odd one out and brushed her teeth there.

People stared at her for being weird and brushing her teeth in public but she couldn't care less about them. Sensing the stares Vidita asked her, "Chaaya why are you brushing your teeth in public at a place like this?" To which Chaaya replied, "If other girls can touch up their makeup in public then why can't I brush my teeth. It is basic hygiene to brush your teeth in the morning. I cannot eat or even drink anything without brushing, it's my habit. So I am brushing my teeth here. Now, why should I stay hungry for four more hours due to the fear of being stared at?"

Her reply was loud and clear, after that the people stopped staring at her. Chaaya then went and ordered a maggie for her, she sat at a table, relishing every bite of the steaming hot and cheesy Pahadi Maggie. She was chatting with her friends. Her laughter mingled with the chatter of her friends, creating a joyful atmosphere that caught Vinay's attention. He had entered inside to order a Masala chai for him. As Chaaya's laughter rang out, Vinay couldn't help but admire the way her eyes sparkled with happiness, the way her smile lit up her face.

The aroma of steaming noodles wafted through the air, mingling with the laughter and chatter of the other students. Chaaya was relishing the maggie with a twinkle in her eyes and smile on her face, "Oh my god, you have to try this Vidita! It's so delicious!" Vidita laughed at Chaaya's reaction, "I can't believe that you, out of all of us, would be such a big foodie and Dude, the way you shut up everyone's questioning gaze outside was amazing. I didn't know that inside our lovely and easy going Chaaya, a bossy and savage Chaaya too existed."

Chaaya wasn't used to people ushering compliments at her except her family and her friends and so her cheeks and ears turned red at Vidita's compliment. Meanwhile, Vinay noticed Chaaya from a distance, his heart unknowingly skipped a beat as he watched her laugh and chat animatedly with her friends. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of her infectious joy, feeling a warmth spread through him at the sight of her happiness.

He wondered to himself, "She looks so happy. I'm glad she decided to come on this trip. She's enjoying herself so much here and this stupid girl was thinking to miss such an amazing experience because of her friends." Lost in his thoughts, Vinay continued to watch Chaaya from afar, his admiration for her growing with each passing moment. In that fleeting instant, amidst the chaos of the crowded stall, he felt a connection with her unlike any he had felt before. And as he watched her laugh and smile, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the chance to know her.

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