Ch 17 : The Chandigarh escapades

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After their conversation with Keisha and Lakshika, Chaaya and Vidita decided to check up on their male friends who were staying on the fifth floor

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After their conversation with Keisha and Lakshika, Chaaya and Vidita decided to check up on their male friends who were staying on the fifth floor. They made their way up the stairs, chatting animatedly about their adventurous day despite the setbacks. Upon reaching the fifth floor, they knocked on the door of Ekansh, Madhav, Rohan, and Ashvin's room. The door swung open to reveal a messy yet cozy space, with clothes strewn about and laughter echoing from within.

"Hey, guys! How are you feeling after the rafting?" Chaaya asked, stepping into the room followed by Vidita. "We're feeling great! That was an awesome experience," Ekansh replied with a grin. As they chatted, Ayaan, who was in the neighboring room, popped his head in, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Hey there, Chaaya! Heard you were quite the captain of your raft today. Especially when Ekansh fell in!" he teased, earning chuckles from the others.

Vinay, who had been sitting quietly in the corner, listened to Ayaan's teasing with a frown. He didn't like seeing Chaaya being teased, especially by someone like Ayaan. Ignoring Ayaan's teasing, Chaaya smiled and said, "Well, it was quite an adventure. Speaking of which, Ayaan, are you up to anything fun tonight?" Ayaan's eyes lit up. "Actually, we're having a little gathering in our room. Misha, Ritika, and a few others are already here. Why don't you, Vidita, Ekansh, Madhav, Rohan and Ashvin join us?"

Chaaya exchanged a glance with Vidita, who shrugged in agreement. "Sure, we'll come by later," Chaaya replied with a smile. As they talked to Ekansh, Madhav, Rohan, and Ashvin, Chaaya couldn't shake off the feeling of unease about Keisha and Lakshika's plan to sneak out. She hoped they would reconsider, knowing the risks involved. Later that evening, while Chaaya, Ekansh, Vidita and the others were in Ayaan's room, laughter and music filling the air, Keisha and Lakshika made their escape from their room, their hearts pounding with excitement.

After sometimethey all bid fareweell to each other and returned to their room. But, Ekansh, Madhav,Rohan and Ashvin, unable to resist the allure of adventure, quietly slipped out of their room, making their way down to Chaaya and Vidita's room on the second floor. They all chatted, played Dumb Charades and enjoyed a lot. The students who sneaked out were going to come back, so Ekansh and others also decided to return back to their rooms.

However, their plans almost went awry when they saw a teacher in the hallway who was coming for inspection. Thinking quickly, Chaaya feigned a sudden migraine, clutching her head and moaning softly. The teacher, concerned for her well-being, escorted her back to her room to provide medicine to Chaaya, giving Keisha, Lakshika, and the other students who had sneaked out the opportunity to slip past unnoticed.

Ekansh and the others too returned to their rooms. Chaaya breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that her quick thinking had saved the day. The next morning, after breakfast, some of the students expressed a desire to visit the nearby gurudwara, seeking solace and peace after the previous day's adventures. Arpit sir agreed, setting a return time of 11 a.m.

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