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Novas pov

I woke up again at 8 which is so odd but i know that i only have today and then 3 more days of school then i am done for a while until filming is over and i have to come back to this shithole

I got my uniform on and sat at my desk and started to do my makeup and i straightened my hair, even though i only have wavy hair it is still a mess most of the times

After i was finished getting ready i left the house and i decided to head to the shops for something to eat as i couldnt be asked to cook but then i went to the little cafe at the end of the road near the school, i know Mr bedford would have a go at me if he knew i was here instead of school when it is 8:45 which is a record for me as the earliest i have left the house is like 9:30

I enter the cafe and go up to the counter hoping to see Lorena, Lorena is the owner of the cafe and she is like my best friend before i got emancipated she always let me stay in the safe until closing and just do whatever i wanted in the corner, even though she is nearly 60 years old she has been there for me more than anyone and i am going to miss her when i go to LA

Nova was stuck in her thoughts until she heard speaking "Hey Novs i see you are here earlier than usual, im glad you are going to school lovely" Lorena said with a smile whilst making her way over to me from the counter to give me a hug and i returned the hug, Lorenas hugs always made me safe, sometimes she used to let me stay with her in the apartment above the cafe, her and her husband Darren looked out for me more than i realise

"Hey Lorena yeah im just going to get a iced coffee and a chocolate chip muffin then im going to head to school but i did need to tell you something" i said quickly not even taking a breath in between

"What is it Nova?" she asked but then realised i wanted to tell her in our little corner

"Alright ill tell you what, you go and sit down in our corner and ill get your coffee and muffin but this is the last time Nova with the coffee you are only 14" Lorena said raising her eyebrow up making Nova giggle, Nova felt safe with Lorena and in some ways it felt that Lorena was her grandma, her own family doesnt speak to her and they never have

After 10 minutes of scrolling through her phone on instagram Lorena came back and sat on the cushions on the floor in their corner and took Novas hand and told her to talk

"Okay this is so awkward to say-" Nova started but was cut off by someone walking into the cafe, the cafe was only small and not many people came into the shop this early, Nova peeked her head around the corner to see that Scarlett was here and she quickly turned her head back

"lorena im going to be quick otherwise i will actually cry in a minute because i am about to be told off" i said with a worried face because i know Scarlett will have a go at me for not being at school even though she knows that i never go in early and she might be angry because i was swearing right after she told me not to, Lorena smiled and nodded so i know that she is paying attention

"I am going to be in LA for a while because i got a job in a movie and i cant tell you what it is because of my contract but i leave on Saturday and i wont see you for a while lorena" i quickly got out hoping that Scarlett doesnt come back and check who is talking in the corner and i gave Lorena a sad smile but she looked shocked at my news and then she screamed

"Oh my nova im so proud of you, i always knew that you would become a talented little actress" she said pulling me into a hug but when i left the hug i saw Scarlett standing behind Lorena and Lorena saw i was staring behind her and turned around then back at me, she was confused and didnt know who Scarlett was because she was older and didnt watch much tv these days because all she does is bake for the cafe

"Hi scarly" I say in a nice voice hoping she was in a good mood which includes her not moaning at me

"Novella Brooke Williams why the hell arent you in school, i messaged you and i left it because i thought you were in school but instead you are in a cafe" Scarlett said slightly yelling which made me confused because i had only met her yesterday and its so weird to be told off by a celebrity overall and especially as it is Scarlett Johansson and i stood there in shook because how on earth did she find out my full name?

I turned away putting my back to her and continued to speak with Lorena and taking sips of my coffee, i know that Scarlett was still standing behind me because i can hear her shuffling, i turned back around to see her going through her purse and she got her car keys out

She looked at me and it made me scared because she did the black widow glare at me which is creepy, then she took a hold of my hand and grabbed my school bag which is where i placed my muffin so i could have it later when i was hungry

"Bye Nova please stay safe" Lorena called out as i was dragged out of the shop with Scarlett, we got in front of her car and she let go of my hand, she stared at me and i think she was waiting for me to explain myself but i have nothing to tell her, i barley know her even though she is one of my biggest idols its very weird for her to tell me off

"Nova i know that you dont go to school early but you need to try and dont think that i have forgotten about yesterday so tonight i will be picking you up at 11 when you finish work tonight and im not taking no for an answer"

"How the fuck do you know about when i finish work tonight?" i asked glancing up at her shock written all over my face and her smile turned into a little frown when she heard my swear which made me immediately put my hand over my mouth

"Sorry Scarlett its just a very bad habit of mine i have been trying to stop" i say quickly but im just glad this is the only habit she knows about because if she found out i vaped and sometimes smoked she would kill me

"Its fine Nova i know you dont mean it but as i will be looking after you i called your workplace and they gave me a copy of your work schedule so i know when you are finishing because i dont want you getting hurt" she said with a smile again, Scarlett was a very smiley person and thats what made me feel safe with her even though i still think i am in a dream because rheres no way i am speaking to THE FUCKING SCARLETT JOHANSSON

After a few more minutes of Scarlett nagging on about school and everything she decided to stop because she knew i was not paying any attention at all and then she walked around to the drivers side of the car and got in leaving me there, she rolled down the window and told me to get in and i tried to protest as the school was like 3 minutes away from here but she wouldn't take no for an answer she was very stubborn and so was i so i just stood there and she sat there until she opened her door and made her way to me picking me up and placing me in the car on her side and doing my seatbelt

"Stop treating me like a child Scarlett" i said huffing as she started to drive off

"Sorry sweetheart but you are a child" she said chuckling with a little smirk looking back over at me

A/N-thank you for reading my story, i dont really upload this story as much as my other story called New beginnings so if you want you can read that

Love p x

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