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*time skip to the day they are going to LA*

Novas pov

I was awoken by someone landing right on top of me, i glance to my right to see my alarm clock reading 5:45 which i groaned and pulled the covers back over me but i couldnt because someone was sitting on them

"Get off my covers you fat shit" i say before yanking them back over my head and i knew it was Chris who was on my bed because i saw Lizzie and Scarlett in the corner of my room checking my suitcase to see if i had everything but Scarlett said she will take me shopping when we go to LA to get stuff like swimsuits and more summer outfits as it will be hot over there

My covers were ripped off my head again just as i was going to fall back to sleep and i felt the bed dip on both sides of me which i knew where Lizzie and Scar and Scarlett pulled me up so i was sitting up in the bed and she raised her eyebrow at me and i saw Chris laughing finding it funny and said i was not a morning person which i am glad he took it as a joke and i knew he would because we have the same humour

I rubbed my eye for 2 seconds before they were getting pried off me and it was Lizzie telling me how it damages my eyes if i rub them, i am still sleepy as i try to lay back down but Scarlett brings me into the side of her giving me a hug which i nearly fall asleep back into until Chris started shouting "UP UP UP WE HAVE A PLANE TO CATCH" which made me groan again because i didnt want to get up i had only gone to sleep at 4 so i am running on nearly 2 hours of sleep which is not good for me because then i will drink coffee to keep me awake and become hyper

Scarlett gets up and takes my hands pulling me off the best before handing me a tracksuit's and other bits and tells me to go and get changed and she will do my hair when i get back, they told me that they wanted to be left here by 6:30 as the flight is at 8 but we have to go through security and shit

I walk into the room and can see Lizzie packing up my last few bits like my makeup and she put them into the little containers you are allowed for the plane but Scarlett said we can go and get some new stuff anyways "Honestly Nova you dont need any makeup you are so pretty and you are so young" Lizzie told me as Scarlett was putting my hair in 2 dutch braids because she said it would be the best for the plane

After checking i had my passport and everything Chris put my suitcase and hand luggage into the boot of the car where the rest of their stuff is and we made our way to the airport where Lizzie was sitting at the back with me and i laid on her but Chris had put loud music on because he told me he didnt want me to fall asleep and have to wake me up again

"Dont worry Novs you can sleep on the plane, it is a 8 hour flight so plenty of time to sleep" Scarlett said looking in the rear view mirror to see me

"Well the plane better hurry up and come because i dont think i can survive with less than two hours sleep for much longer" i say starting to close my eyes and i was awoken by Lizzie blowing in my face to wake me up and i looked up at her from her lap and she smiled at me and played with my hair

"How comes you only got less than 2 hours of sleep Novs you told me you were going to bed at 10 and you even messaged goodnight" Scarlett asked and i could see Lizzies face of worry but i was too tired to even try and stop the things coming out of my mouth

"Nightmares so i couldnt go back to sleep" i say with a big yawn coming out as i finish speaking and i could see that Scarlett and Lizzie were smiling and i was confused, were they happy that i was getting nightmares?

"No Nova i know what you are thinking but im not smiling the fact you are having nightmares im proud of you for opening up to us and letting us in" and i could see Scarlett with a wide grin and it made her happy that i was letting her help me and i kind of liked it

Then after we got onto the plane and even though this was my first time flying i wasnt scared at all, i sat at the window staring down looking to see how far up we are, after 20 minutes after take off i lean into Scarlett who was at the side of me and she wraps her hand over me and bends over to kiss the top of my head

"Sweet dreams Nova bear" i heard Scarlett say and it was such a childish name but deep down i kind of liked having a nickname and i drifted off to sleep and they woke me up when we were 5 hours into the flight to get me to eat something as i didnt have something before we left and i had the fruit salad as i know i was meeting the rest of the cast today which made me nervous but what made me the most scared was meeting Scarletts husband Colin and her daughter Rose and i was most anxious about them not liking me because i dont know what i would do without Scarlett, as much as i dont want to admit it i have grown a connection with her and i like how she takes care of me and she is stubborn but it is a bad thing sometimes because i am stubborn as well so we clash.

As we land i can feel someone take my hand and i look up to see Lizzie gripping on to my hand as we move to the car that is parked outside of the airport with a driver, i was glad that there werent any paparazzi because it would have cause a panic attack and i havent told them i suffer from anxiety yet, we make our way back to Scarletts house in LA and Chris, Lizzie went back to their places whilst Scar showed me my bedroom which was bigger than the one in my house, she also told me Colin and Rose will be back later tonight after we are back from dinner with the cast

A/N-Thank you so much for reading, i have another book called new beggings and if you want you can check it out and my messages are always open if anyone needs anything

Love P x

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