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Novas pov

Scarlett dropped me off at the school and she walked me into the reception so that she knows i am in the school because apparently Mr Bedford told her that sometimes i come into the school then immediately leave and go back home so thanks alot Mr Bedford

I walked up to Carol the office lady and she looked up to see me and Scarlett, she smiled at me and she saw the unimpressed look on my face

"Good morning Nova you are here earlier than usual, are you here the full day today" Carol asked me but before i could answer Scarlett answered for me

"Yes she is going to be here for the whole day aren't you Nova" she looked back at me with a small grin on her face

"Only because i am being forced to Carol" i say with the hint of sarcasm and i turned around to see Scarletts amused face, she loved winding me up but jokes on her i dont plan to stay the whole day and she cant do anything about it because she isnt my legal guardian until we go to LA which is am slowly regretting because Scarlett is always on my back about something

I sign in and i go through the office doors not even bothering to say goodbye to Scarlett because i know i will end up swearing at her and i dont want to be known as the mean girl on set when we go to film

I have a quick look on my timetable and realise that it is maths and i was only 10 minutes late to the lesson but i was not going there so i made my way into Mrs Campbells office hoping that she would be back today, i knocked on the door and waited until i heard footsteps coming towards the foor

"Hey Mrs C, please let me stay here i have maths and Mr Sully gave me a detention yesterday because i was talking to Harry but didnt give one to me because he fucking hates me" i say slumping into the chair opposite her desk

"Of course Nova but please stop the swearing its not nice for you to be doing and its going to get you in alot of trouble" I hear Mrs Campbell say and i nod like i do everytime she tells me this and then the realisation hits that i havent told her the news and that i only had 4 more days in the school for a while

i jumped up from my seat with excitement and i saw Mrs C looking at me she was wondering what was going on because i was jumping up and down in my seat now

"Okay Nova just tell me what you want to say, i know there is something you are dying to tell me" she said with a small smile on her face

"Okay okay you know the audition you made me do for the marvel audition i got the fucking part Mrs C, they came into the school yesterday to tell me that i have the role and i am leaving for LA on saturday and i will come back to school when i am finished filming" i say all in one go because i was so excited and then i saw the biggest smile appear on her face and she came around and embraced me in the biggest hug

"i always knew you could do it Nova, im extremely proud of you" and when i heard that it made me feel happy that at least Mrs C was proud of me but made me wonder if my mother would be happy for me if i told her

Me and Mrs C stayed chatting for the remainder of the maths class time and she sent a email to Mr Bedford that i was with her instead of the maths class which i bet he was happy with because whenever me and Mr sully had an argument he would always ring Mr bedford to excort me out of his class telling him i was distributing the learning of others which wasnt true, Mr Sully was a shit teacher and he never taught me so i don't understand anything that is going on in that lesson

After maths class was done the bell rang and i checked my timetable to see that i had PE but i didnt bring my kit in because im never this early in the school and i couldn't stay with Mrs C because she had a class to teach now so i begged Mrs C to write me a note saying that i was ill and couldn't participate in the lesson

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