Going back

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Scarletts pov

As soon as i got off call to Nova i booked my flight and called Florence asking if she had heard from Nova and she told me she was going out with her today which meant Nova is running on no sleep as i found out it was 5am when i called her so she must have got home and got ready and immediately met Florence, i tell Colin what is happening with Nova and he is worried as well and he wanted to come but i told him he has to stay for Rose and i promised him i would bring Nova back with me

I told Lizzie about the whole phone call i had with Nova whilst she was high and Lizzie wanted to come with me but i told her it would overwhelm her if all 3 of her guardians turned up and i dont think she is going to remember me saying i was going to come to England for her

I boarded the plane and the flight wasnt as long i thought it was going to take and i get in my rental car and drive to Novas house using the spare key she gave me when i came here to wake her up for the shopping day we had, it was now 7pm in the evening here and was getting very dark but i just waited in her room hoping that the train from london was taking longer and i stayed here waiting for hours until at 3am she came stumbling in the door flopping herself on the bed

"Nova get up we are not having this conversation yet because you need to have a bath you smell of alcohol and vomit" i tell her as i help her off the bed and i sit her on the bathroom floor running the bath trying to be quiet as it still has more people in this building and i run the bath before getting her some fluffy pyjamas and helping her into the bath and i could tell she is high again, i washed her hair quickly so that she doesnt fall asleep in the water and got her out and she flopped back on the bed

"Go to sleep Nova bear we will speak about this when you wake up" i tell her cuddling her to get her to go to sleep and i text Colin whilst laying here because i dont want to sleep not knowing if Nova is okay and i have to keep an eye on her so she doesnt choke on her vomit in her sleep


Hey im at Novas now
she is drunk and high
but i am going to try
and bring her home
tomorrow miss you x

Give her a hug from me when she
wakes up from me and i miss you
too Scarlett x

Ill update you Col but
she is fully passed out right now
so ill call you in a few hours x

After letting Colin know I was alright I turned Novas tv on and watched some movies whilst she was sleeping and before I knew it she was stirring awake and I stroked the hair out of her face

"Good morning Nova bear" I tell her as she opens her eyes groaning probably because she has a terrible headache which is caused by her own stupidity so I grab her some paracetamol and water making sure she takes them

"Nova when we go back to LA you are grounded this can't keep happening" i tell her and I see anger in her face for a moment before I see the guilt and she reluctantly nods which I didn't care if she agreed or not because she was grounded whether she liked it or not and i cuddled into her and looked around her room realising that she has not even unpacked her suitcase which will be easier when we leave

"Alright go get ready there is a flight at 2 so we are going to get that one" I tell her and she gets up slowly and i tell her to leave the bathroom door open in case she passes our because she is still high

Once she comes back in i pack up her hand luggage and makes sure i have all my stuff to bring back before we left her place getting in the car

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