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Scarlett's pov

I was just finishing off the little scene I had to do with 2 lines for the trailer and then Lizzie was coming on to do our dialogue, once we had finished, Lizzie was looking at me weirdly like she wanted to say something to me

"Scar, I need to speak with you it's about Nova" and she immediately had all my attention, then she explained the whole situation that happened with the maths teacher and I was beyond pissed at her but I was also proud of her for standing up for herself even if it was in front of a teacher

I walked into Lizzies trailer where she told me her and Chris would be and asked Chris to not let her leave here

I went over to the couch and saw Chris watching the tv show The rookie which he loved and never missed an episode and saw Nova snuggled up leaning against his side, Chris was finding this funny and it made me question why did we ever put him as a legal guardian of Nova, then two together with Mackie and Sebastian will be the death of all of us

I poked the side of Novas sides and she began to stir and she opened her eyes and they went wide, then she closed them back up again and shuffled close to Chris hoping that he would save her

"Nuh uh uh Nova, we need to have a chat about what happened today sit up" I said sternly and she sat up straight away with a guilty look on her face and even though Lizzie had told me all what had been said I still wanted to hear it from her perspective and how she was feeling

"I'm going to make some pasta whilst you stay and have a chat okay so we can have something to eat" Chris said getting up and shooting Nova a look that meant "your on your own kid I'm not getting involved"

Lizzie took the spot that Chris was previously sitting on and Scarlett took the other side of me which meant I was basically trapped like a sandwich in between us

"Okay if you must know, Mr sully was acting like a cow again he taught the lesson for once and I did all my work and my friend did his work but then all of a sudden he came up to my desk and looked at my friend and asked him if I copied all of his answers which I did not might I add and then he told him no and then he asked him if he was sure and that's when I had enough telling me I wasn't going to have him speaking about me putting me down when I was right in front of him, he made me look like a dumb fuck then after that he told me to get out telling me I am not his friend and can't speak to him like that which is when I grabbed my bag and started to leave the class and I told him that he probably doesn't have any friends that speak to him like that because he probably doesn't have any at all and then I stuck my middle finger at her and slammed the door making my way to Mr Bedfords office where he called the lovely Elizabeth Olsen and Chris Evan's" Nova said in a quick pace lot leaving any spaces so we can't comment on anything

"Nova, I'm proud of you that you stood up for yourself wanting the respect that you are owed but you can't speak to a teacher like that it is only going to get you into more trouble, What did Mr Bedford tell you about punishments for this?" Scarlett said raising her eyebrow at me because she knew I was going to lie and tell her nothing

"Alright fine, I only got suspended for the rest of the afternoon as he said he didn't want to suspend me the days before I leave the school for a while". nova said staring into my eyes, she is trying to prove that she is not scared of the black widow gaze, after i told her off a little bit more and she said she would try to keep out of trouble but this is Nova we are talking about she is the trouble and i wasnt partically worried as she only had 2 days left off school

"alright novs, all three of us has to go shoot a scene please let me know if anything is wrong" I say kissing the top of head before heading down the set with Lizzie and Chris, Chris had made her tomato and chicken pasta and saved our three portions in the mini fridge that Lizzie had in her trailer

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