Meeting the cast

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Novas pov 

Scarlett had shown me the room that i was staying in but i couldnt help but feel out of place here and that i was intruding on their family so i decided that i would stay up in my room most of the time so that i didnt disturb them

I got my dress on which was a navy blue silky material which i had gotten for this particular night, i got some simple black strap heels and put them on and as soon as i got down the stairs Scarlett told me i was going to regret wearing them as soon as i walk out of the house and we got to the restuarant and i saw loads of people with cameras waiting outside which made me nervous and i was even more worried about meeting the cast because i have begged Scar, Lizzie and Chris on who was in the cast but they refused to tell me 

When we got out of the car Scarlett brought me to her side pushing my head into the her side and i could hear the shouting 


Hearing the shouting made me panic even more and i didnt realise we were inside the resturant until Scarlett was bent down in front of me cupping my face and she was blowing air on my face which brought me back to my surroundings where i saw that we were in the bathroom

"Hey your safe now Novs its only me Its Scarlett" i heard her say as she stroked my cheek and i leant back into the wall nearly slamming my head into the wall behind me but Scarlett grabbed my hand pulling me forward 

"Im okay now Scarlett thank you" i say with a small smile before going to the mirror to fix my makeup and i thought Scarlett would have left but she just stood there waiting for me 

"Im fine you can go back out dont worry" i tell her before fixing my hair back to how my blonde hair looked before 

"No im not leaving you alone Nova, you dont have to be embarrassed about a panic attack it happens and you shouldnt be ashamed of that" Scarlett said grabbing my hand and i gave her a genuine smile before she walked out the bathroom with me but my heart starting beating faster when i realised i am going to meeting the cast, i am normally nervous when meeting people for the first few minutes but then after minutes i am back to my extroverted ways 

We make our way to the table where i see a lot of people sitting there and i was in shock until Scarlett nudged my shoulder bringing me out of my trance and i stepped forward and i just let my mind do whatever 

"Okay i know who you all are so you dont have to introduce yourselves but i am Nova" i say in a quick tone with all my confidence back and i heard a few heys and greetings before i sat down next to Lizzie who was on my left and Scarlett on my right 

"Great im stuck between the scary ladies" i mumbled sitting down and i heard Chris start laughing and the rest of the cast did too except in fact the two scary ladies who were staring at me from both directions so i heard to them and smiled pretending like i had not said anything 

"How are they scary Nova?" RDJ asks me and i was internally fangirling until Chris spoke up "because she got told off in the week by them" and i stayed silent glaring at Chris because i knew he was going to bring the drunk time up 

"What did you do to piss them off?" Mackie asked with a small smirk on his face and he knew what he was doing 

"Nothing big" i answered what i thought was honest until i heard someone clear their throat next to me which was Lizzie so i turned around to her "Yes Olsen" i smiled at her 

"Nothing big huh? i dont think running around drunk at 3am smoking is nothing big Nova" Scarlett said smirking knowing the cast will go mental and i face palmed myself as the cast had shocked faces 

"How old are you Nova?" Hemsworth asked me with concern in his eyes 

"im 14 so it is normal in the UK" i tell them and i see Florence and both Toms smiling at me because they know what it is like in England and i saw Scarlett raise her eyebrows up at them which made me laugh because it seemed like most of the cast listen to her most of the time because they are scared of her 

"We saw your audition tape Nova you are amazing and we are so happy for you to join the cast" Robert said to me and it made me smile 

"We are happy to have another brit with us on the cast" Florence said and i just smiled at her happily, i was nervous when i first saw them but now i am feeling more comfortable with them 

"What do you want old man?" i say seeing Chris staring at me which made everyone around us laugh but he just put his hand on his chest and pouted "Do you not love me Nova?" he asked sarcastically and i stick my middle finger up at him and it was yanked down by Lizzie next to me who kept my hand in hers even when i tried to get out of the grip she kept holding on 

I could see Tom Holland and Florence giggling in the corner at my antics, i fought to keep my laughter in as i could see Chris's nose twitching trying to keep his composure

After we had ordered the food Scarlett got a phone call and she went outside to take it who i presumed was Colin who i was meeting after this dinner and i was scared that he wasnt going to like me and then i watched Lizzie slip out of her chair telling everyone she needed the bathroom so i took the opportunity and went over to Tom Holland and Florence and squished myself in between them which i know will make the scary ladies mad but i wanted to speak with my fellow brits 

"Nova you are going to be killed" Florence said in between giggles when i moved to them and we were chatting about the places in england until i heard someone clear their throat behind Mackie who was sitting opposite me and i looked up to see not one but both of the scary laddies and Tom Holland whispered into my ear "Busteddd" which made me smile 

"Nova what do you think you are doing? "Lizzie asks me and i shug before answering them "Just hanging out with my british gang" and i saw Chris laughing in the corner of my eye "I told you Nova" he got out whilst wheezing but not realising he made the worse mistake of his life 

"You let her move Chris" Scarlett said pointing her finger at him which he just sunk in his seat and everyone around was dying but i refused to move i didnt want to be trapped in the middle of the scary ladies but they knew i was stubborn was wasnt going to move so they just sat back a couple seats away from me and i  could feel them staring at me every once in a while 

After the dinner Scarlett was driving and she was going to drop Lizzie and Chris off before taking us back to her house which was dangerous because i knew they would lecture me about moving seats but it wasnt a big deal at all, they are suffocating me always making me stay with them and i think it was because i wasnt used to having someone boss and parent me so it was a shitty feeling of do i let them in and help or do i just do it on my own like i have done for many years and i figure the second one is probably the better option because after this movie is finished i am back to England and i doubt they would want anything to do with me, they all tried to speak to me on the way home but i just stayed silent looking out of the car window, i know it wasnt a big deal but i just wasnt used to all the attention on me 

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