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Novas pov

I went back into the school and i was only 10 minutes late to my geography lesson, the teacher gave me detention which i wasnt surprised when she did because its like a daily occurrence with her but im going to be skipping my detention today because i cant be asked with it

My head was all over the place, i just kept thinking about what Scarlett said, was she being serious and she was going to adopt me?

I was so lost in thought that when Mrs Miller asked me a question about the stupid volcano topic we are doing i had no clue what she was on about

"Nova i know you are famous now but that doesnt mean you are slacking off in my class" Mrs Miller spoke from the front of the class and i apologised because i knew i wasnt paying attention and i was not in the mood for her to be gnawing my ear off about volcanos

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and i quickly checked it to see loads of messages from Lizzie and i had a look

Mama Lizzie❤️

Mama Lizzie❤️
but you will always be my daughter
first x

I smiled as i read her messages, they seem happy that i said i wanted to be adopted but the thoughts wouldnt stop, what if they soon realise what a lost cause i am and they dont want me anymore but i couldnt believe this was my life, 8 months ago they walked in here and told me the news that changed everything for me and now im going to be living with them

Someone clearing their throat made me whip my head up from my phone as i was about to reply but Mrs Miller glared at me "Nova give me your phone you know your not allowed it in school" she told me with her hand stretched out and she was delusional if she actually thought i was going to give up my phone

"No its not your phone is it?" i told her and i saw her face get angry as the class started making "Oooooo" sounds and she kept her hand stretched out waiting for me but i was no way in hell giving her my phone

"If you are not going to give me your phone Nova then you get out of my class" she tells me and i smile at her before grabbing my stuff and leaving the class "Im glad i didnt choose this shitty lesson for my gsces at least im free from you" i tell her as i close the door, i know i am meant to stay outside and wait for her to speak to me but i just up signing out of the school not being asked for this shit, i was so happy this morning when Scarlett told me i could come home and now the school had ruined that

I was so pissed off because i actually woke up early and came into school before it even fucking started and i made my way to the office and Carol sighed when she saw me "Nova not even one lesson what happened?" she asked as she signed me out and i tell her the truth "Ask that stupid bitch i have for a geography teacher" i exclaim before leaving Carol in shock over my words

I quickly make my way home not even being in the school for an hour, i knew Scarlett was going to call me anytime soon because she has to be let known when i leave the school and just as i stepped home my phone rang

I looked down and it wasnt Scarlett it was Lizzie and i sighed before accepting the call


"Tell me why i have just got a message telling me you have left the school" Lizzie asked sounding very scary

"Mrs Miller was being a bitch and i wasnt having it" i tell her taking off my uniform and throwing it into a corner and putting on a tracksuit

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