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Scarlett's pov

I took Nova home and I felt so bad for nearly forcing her to eat the pasta when she was allergic to it, I had to make sure she was safe so I ordered epipens for when we are back in LA, she said I was being overprotective and I didn't have to do this for her but I had to look out for her, she is only 14 and she is forced to provide for herself and she hasn't had any of the love that a child should get so I am going to make sure she feels loved

I made sure she got into her room and she flicked the light on and then I drove away back to the hotel where Lizzie and Chris was waiting for me, when I got back I immediately called Colin telling him more about Nova, Colin knows that i have some guardianship over Nova because she is 14 and he already loves Nova, when we get to LA I am planning on Nova meeting Colin and Rose and I know that they will all like each other

I got ready for bed as I dropped Nova off at 9 and I am tired already because I have been filming a lot today, Black widow is in the trailer a lot they told me so I had to do more scenes, Nova is actually in the trailer for the movie but the Russos thought to let her do the scenes in LA because it would have been too quick for her to start doing the scenes 3 days in

Novas pov

I got inside my room and flicked my light on to let Scarlett know I am back inside and I'm safe so she can leave because I have plans with Alexa, she had messaged me telling me she stole a bottle of vodka from her dad that we can have and she was going to bring the vapes

Once I knew that Scarlett was gone I got ready putting my pyjamas on because me and Alexa always put our pyjamas on for our late night walks because it's our thing and I texted Alexa that I am on my way to the park, they used to close the park but too many people used to pick the locks so they just leave it open now

I get to the park and I head to our bench waiting for her, it is pitch black now as it is nearly 10pm, I should be afraid that something bad would happen to me but I just wasn't afraid because I knew if anything happened to me no one would care anyways the only person I'm certain of caring is Alexa, but then I thought of Scarlett she may care but I don't know why because I am a nobody compared to her

I was lost in thought I didn't even realise that Alexa had sat down on the bench, she got my attention by snapping her hands infront of my face, I was freezing as uk weather is so shit, I had my teddy bear coat on with my fluffy pyjamas and my Ugg boots, Alexa handed me the vape and I puffed on it whilst she was talking

"I'm really going to miss you Nova, what am I meant to do without you?" Alexa said with tears brimming in her eyes

"I promise I will call you all the time Lex, I'll never forget what you did for me and how you have helped me through everything this year and I'll be forever thankful I have you as a friend" I say using my thumbs to wipe her face because I don't want her crying over me leaving when I'll be back in a few months after filming is finished but the russos said filming can take up to a year and all the reshoots but I won't tell Alexa the yet because I don't want her to be upset

"I know but I will miss you the most" Alexa said resting her forehead on mine and I did the same, we stayed like that until she jumped up and told me she bought something for us to try

"I told you I was bringing the vodka and I got it but I managed to take a few of my dads cigarettes, I know our pact was that we could do it together at 18 but you are leaving and it will make me feel better if we did it now" Alexa said with a huge grin on her face, Nova was of course going to say yes because she didn't care but she was worried how she was going to hide this from Scarlett when she picks her up from school tomorrow when she was hangover, she wasn't going to go any lessons anyways she was going to spend her last final day with Mrs Campbell, she was going to miss her so much and on Friday after she was done with her packing and shopping she was going to say goodbye to Lorena who owned the cafe

"Go on then, we only live once but let's have some of the vodka first" I told her and she agreed, Alexa and I we don't drink that much but every few months we do one night in the park where we get absolutely hammered which I'm guessing today was that day

I took a swig of the alcohol and Alexa did it after me and then she got 2 cigarettes out and the lighter she always carried because she thought it was a cool design on the front of it, she light both of their cigarettes and they both took a drag, I had had a cigarette before when I was 11 when my mother shoved it in my mouth telling me to do out but when Alexa mentioned the pact about doing it together I didn't want to break the happiness about it so I just agreed with it

We finished the cigarette and I loved the taste of them, I didn't want to become addicted to them like I already was with my vape but I was now realising how was I meant to get the vapes in LA when Scarlett will be there and if I wanted another cigarette I would never be allowed

Alexa and I stood up and we linked our arms starting to walk around the park passing the bottle back and forth to each other, I told Alexa that I would probably only come in for a maximum of 2 hours tomorrow because I will be tired by the time we finish our hangout, normally we head home around 3am and Alexa's parents believe her when she is sick so she can have the day off but I have to go in otherwise i won't get any chance to say goodbye to people, I've already said goodbye to my colleagues in work as I told Kevin that Friday I can't do because I'm packing and he understood

I'm not a lightweight so half a bottle of vodka did not make me very drunk but it made me tipsy but not as much as Alexa she was proper hammered, but her parents know that we do this every few months so they allow it because they know I will protect her, It was now 2:30am and I put Alexa's arm around my shoulder and i supported her back and I led her to her house where I took the keys that her parents had put there for these nights and I opened the door being quiet, I led her to her bedroom where I got a bucket and put it next to the bed then left the room and then locked the front door before heading back to mine, even though I am tipsy when I am with Alexa and take her home it sobers me up because I know I had to take care of her

I was nearly at my house and I had a quick puff of my vape and then I turned the corner to see Scarletts car and 3 angry individuals standing infront of it and I'm pretty sure all three of them saw the smoke coming out of my mouth, I stood there not knowing if to turn back around and run to Alexa's or to just face them and stupid me decided to walk their way which was a bad idea considering the look on their faces and I quickly took a drink out of the flask Alexa had given me filled with Tequila, I took a big sip before I reached them because I knew it might get snatched off me which I was right because as soon as I was in grabbing distance it was snatched from me

"NOVELLA WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?" Scarlett screamed at me and the alcohol was coming over me now and I started giggling which was a terrible mistake because I'm pretty sure I saw steam coming out of her and Lizzies ears, Chris just looked amused again and I think he was trying to hide a smirk from the other two

I just continued walking to the door and grabbed the keys out of my coat pocket but I dropped them and I bent down picking them up but I was lifted into the air and it turns out I was thrown over Chris's shoulder, if anyone was looking out their window right now they probably would think I am being kidnapped

"Where are we going guyssss, please stop spinning I feel like I'm going to be sick" as soon as the word sick was mentioned Chris put me down and I threw up sitting on the concrete floor

Lizzie came over and held my hair and rubbed my back whilst Scarlett stood infront of me with her arms crossed and eyebrow raised and then she bent down to me and she brushed all the baby hairs out of my face, once they knew I was okay for now I was being lifted over Chris's shoulder again and being placed in a car

I don't know what was happening and how they even found out what I was doing but I would figure that out tomorrow because as soon as I got placed in the car and Chris started driving whilst Lizzie and Scarlett stayed with me at the back with me in the middle of the two of them, I fell asleep and I didn't know where they took me but I was passed out and I'm pretty sure they could smell the smoke on me

A/N-thank you for reading this book, I think I might skip the Thursday which is Novas last day and I might go straight to Friday where she is going out instead of school and next chapter will be about how Scarlett, Lizzie and Chris all found out and their reactions when she wakes up, I really appreciate all those reading my story and voting

Love P x

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