Helping me

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Novas pov

I was rudely awoken by someone yanking the covers off me, i felt the coldness and went to grab the blanket back but someone grabbed my hands and pulled me up sitting me up

"Finally i have been trying to wake you up for lile 5 minutes now" Scarlett said stoking my hair

"Ughhh go away i just want to sleep" i said trying to get out of her grip and lay back down but she had a strong grip

"No you are not going back to sleep we have to be on set in an hour so hurry up and get ready" Scarlett told me before leaving the room but i just laid back down because i didnt want to get up but i accidentally fell back asleep

"Oh my Nova i thought you were getting ready" Scarlett said coming back into the room and she made her way to my closet to get some clothes

"up up up" Scarlett said pulling me up again and i got pissed off i just wanted to sleep

"Ughh fuck off i just want to sleep" i said groaning which now i realise was a terrible mistake because i just swore

"What was that?" Scarlett said and i whipped my head in her direction to find her raising her eyebrows at me but i could also see she was trying to fight away the smirk on her face

"Nothing i did not say anything" I said rubbing my face yawning

"Hmm ill let it slide for now Novs because i can clearly tell you are not a morning person but hurry up and go have a shower" She told me pulling me up to stand but before i made it to the bathroom she pulled me back and sat me down on the bed again which made me confused

"Ive just now realised that you only have one hand so how are you going to have a shower" Scarlett sighed

"Um i have no clue i kind of forgot" i told her smiling which made her sigh again

"I can have a bath and you could help me?" i suggest to her and she smiles

"Yeah we can do that tonight then when we finish filming but you can wear a swimsuit if you are uncomfortable Novs" Scarlett says as she takes my hands in hers

"You literally helped me get changed yesterday and saw me naked i dont care" i tell her which makes her chuckle before she gestures for me to lift my arms up so she can help me get changed

"It feels weird because im so used to be doing all this stuff on my own, when i broke my finger i still had to do all this stuff even when it took me longer to do stuff because no one helped me" i admit to her and she looks at me and takes me into a hug

"I know you did but that will never happen again i promise baby i will be here for you no matter what" she tells me stroking my cheek and kissing my forehead before telling me she was going to get Rose up for school so i decided to text mama lizzie as we were going to do the movie night last night but she told me Robbie had came home last night and wanted to spend a night with him which i obviously understood and she told me she was going to break in tonight

Mama Lizzie❤️

Hey mama lizzie are we still
doing movie night tonight? x

Mama Lizzie❤️
Yes we are, i am going to go
and get snacks on my lunch break
and hide them in my car so Scar
doesnt find out so this is a secret

Good thing i am not a blabbermouth
ill see you on set Scarlett is rushing me
now xx

Mama Lizzie❤️
See you soon nono xx

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