Miss trouble

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Novas POV

I end up walking slowly to the school as the second lesson finishes at 10:15 so i dont want to go in there for the last five minutes, i get to the school at 10:13 and remembered that i have a meeting with the headteacher but Mr Bedford always is nice to me and always lets me have my mental health days off even though majority of the time its just me not being asked to go into school

I walk into the front office and say hello to my favourite receptionist Carol, Carol and I have become close and she always looks out for me because she knows that i can misbehave in lessons which i do quite alot

"Hey Carol, do you know anything about this meeting i have to attend, its not bad is it?" i ask hoping she will tell me if so i knew wether to prepare myself or not

"Nova i promise i think this one is going to be a good meeting, now hurry up along you have people waiting for you i will sign you in"

I stood there confused for a minute and then slowly made my way to the headteachers office, i opened the door to find the russo brothers, scarlett johansson, chris evans and Eliazbeth Olsen sitting down opposite of Mr Bedford.

"Oh my fucking gosh Mr bedford what is happening" i yelled and immediately slapped my hand over my mouth to make sure i dont say anything else, i could see Chris Evans smirking from his seat trying not to laugh and Scarlett slapping his arm trying to get him to stop smiling

"Nova what did i say about the language?" Mr Bedford asked me narowing his eyes at me

"Im sorry you know its a bad habit Joe but what the actual hell is going on here i think i must still be sleeping" i slap myself round the face and realise that i am not dreaming, it was quite a hard slap and it made my cheek sting for a few seconds , Mr Bedford and I are close and i spent most of my time in his office or Mrs Campbells so we are on a first name basis most of the time but i cant say it when he is infront of other teachers

"Nova please come sit down and we will explain"Mr bedford says before pointing at the seat next to Scarlett Johansson, i slowly make my way there and sit back on the chair, i was nervous and my hands started to shake so i started to play with my rings hoping it would calm my nerves, then all of a sudden Scarlett grabbed my hand and held it in hers using her thumb to create small circles on my hand.

I sat there for 2 minutes in silence as no one stood up to say anything until the russo brothers stood up and turned around to me

"Hey Nova, we were in town for the press tour of avengers age of ultron if you didnt know so we thought we might make this opportunity to come and speak to you about your audition for the next avengers movie infinity war" anthony russo said and i think i had opened my mouth in shock at some point and hadnt realised until Scarlett leant in and whispered " close your mouth sweetie your catching flies" and i immediately shut my mouth but not without sending a glare to Chris Evans who was still snickering next to Scarlett

"So Nova, we would love you to join the cast in avengers infinity war, we think you are a phenomenal actress we loved the performance you gave and i think you would be an amazing addition into the marvel cast, but we have spoken to your headteacher here and he has said that you are emancipated and you have no legal guardian, even though that you are technically an adult because of the emancipation we still need a adult to look after you and thats even if you agree to this" the russo brothers continued

Then all of a sudden my phone rings and it is my mother which is unsual because i recently got emancipated from her which means i have no parental guardian, i have a small job at the local bakery which allows me to afford my one bedroom

I stood up from my chair and showed my phone to my headteacher and he gave me a little nod before allowing me to leave the office

Mother- "Nova please im sorry for how i treated you all these years i just want my daughter back my little princess"

Nova-"You are delusional if you think i would come anywhere near you, i would never ever see you again and you know why"

Mother-"my little princess please this is unfair i know its not right how i treated you but i miss you baby"


I end the call and wipe the tears that were spilling down my face hoping that it didnt ruin any of my makeup, i take a new deep breaths and go back to my chair looking up at all of them, all of their faces filled with pity

"Im fine okay, can we get back to this meeting now?"

The russo brothers stood up again and started speaking and then Scarlett grabbed my hand and squeezed it to show that she is there for me, this was all so surreal the night before i was watching the avengers movie and now i am sitting in front of 3 of them 

"Okay so Nova we need a decision on if you want to be in this movie or not, if you dont want to-" before he could even finish his sentence nova stood up and screamed YESSS and ran up to them hugging both of them

They all bursted out laughing and then they started to talk about who would be looking after you and the school arrangements

Scarlett spoke up next and told me that herself, Chris and Elizabeth would be her legal guardians that would look after her and be responsible of her

"What about school arrangements, her learning and assignments" Mr bedford asked looking at me which led me to stick my tounge out to him which was a bad mistake because i looked to my right to see Scarlett glaring at me shaking her head

The russo brothers answer his question " Nova will be doing most of the shooting for this movie in LA so we would have a tutour on set to help her do assignments, if you could send her the information and work and she could work on it then"

"Mr bedford why would you ask that question, you know that i dont do most of the work now, what makes you think i would do it when i am going to be shooting a movie?" i say smirking at him but my 20 second condifence was soon shut down again by Mrs no fun next to me glared at me before telling me she would make me do the homework otherwise she would ground me which i thought was a bit unfair since i am my own guardian and i have never been grounded because of homework

I cross my arms and sulk whilst i slide back into my chair whilst the russo brothers and the other are signing the contracts and then they made me sign the ones for me and it read "filming starts on the 12th of February" which is a week away and that meant i only had a week before i would be staying in LA for a few months

Then Elizabeth and Chris turned to me and they told me that they would pick me up saturday morning to drive us all to the airport for LA, Scarlett said i would be living with her in her LA house which it still feel surreal.

They all started to gather their stuff until i let out a big sigh knowing i still have two more classes when they leave, they all gave me their phone numbers and began to leave but not before chris, scarlett and elizabeth pulled me to the side to say goodbye

"Goodbye trouble i have a feeling me and you will get along pretty well on set with Mackie" Chris said giving me a wink which made me believe he was talking about pranking which i nod to

"Excuse me i think not, this one seems quite the troublemaker already we dont need any more chaos" Scarlett said sending a glare that made chris shut up

"Nova im so glad we are going to be working together, i already love you so much" elizabeth said whilst hugging me

They started to walk away until i heard "6AM SATURDAY IM COMING FOR YOU" which i immediately knew it was the voice of evans

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