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"So you still ain't talking to me" Aariz chuckled while watching Lorrie coo to Solani

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"So you still ain't talking to me" Aariz chuckled while watching Lorrie coo to Solani. She shot him a nasty look before returning to a smile as she looked at the baby.

"Your daddy is a crazy crazy man yes he is, yes he is" she softly spoke while tickling her tummy. Solani gave her a quick smile making Lorrie's smile widen.

"You're too cute girl you make me want more" she pouted before snuggling her face into her neck. "We can work on that" Aariz suggested making her lift up and mug him again.

"Lorianna" He called. She ignored him and glanced at her phone seeing a message from Tevin. She immediately deleted it and finally decided to block him. He had been blowing her phone up and it was becoming old, quick.

She had respectfully told him to stop and even reached out to Anadia who unfortunately informed her of their break up. Apparently he had developed a severe addiction to alcohol and she couldn't take it so she left him. She wasn't sure if abuse was involved but normally with an alcoholic came abuse of some form whether it was physical, Verbal or mental.

"Life is short and you ignoring your soon to be husband" Aariz broke her thoughts. She look at him as he held the most innocent facial expression as if he did nothing. "Because my fiancé shot up my hosting like a fucking hoodlum" She frowned at him.

"For what though" he sarcastically shot back getting pissed again. She refused to acknowledge what she did to make him act up. He didn't just up and decided he wanted to shoot up a club one night.

"Ok Aariz I'm sorry, I am sorry for dancing on him. You pissed me off and I wanted to get under your skin. I knew security would tell you and it was childish but I didn't expect you to shoot up my hosting. If you didn't hold the power that you do you'd be in jail right now that wasn't smart" She exclaimed.

"Almost shot yo' ass too" he shrugged not feeling bad. His original intentions was to snatch her out the club but after witnessing her actions up close his trigger finger got the best of him. He would do it all over again though and grin in his mugshot if he had to.

"You know what just drop it" Lorrie sighed. She was wrong and he was wrong, that's just the truth. She felt bad for provoking him knowing he lacked brain cells but she didn't know just how many until that night.

"Ion see why you brought it up " he rasped in a bored tone making her punch the air and silently scream. She hated when he was in his little moods because he'd go sass for sass. He held his chuckle at the sight.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled once he saw she returned to being quiet. Lorrie cut her eyes at him and he held his hands up in surrender.

"I'm used to nice Aariz, don't ever show me East again" she sighed. Aariz wasn't crazy but East was a menace. She was starting to believe the stories in the streets between the shooting and what she witnessed in his "dungeon" the other day.

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