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"I was doing this shit before I met you and I'm going to continue to do it

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"I was doing this shit before I met you and I'm going to continue to do it. Money is money you acting like I'm fucking for it" Lorrie snapped while flat ironing her hair.

"Say you deadass right now" he chuckled, but it wasn't one of happiness. It was clear he was pissed as a mug deeper than his usual one was etched across his face.

"I'm deadass" she bluntly spoke. She told him this morning that she was hosting tonight but it didn't seem to process in his mind until now, when he saw her getting dressed.

"Let's be real you only mad because I'm not hosting at your club. If it was your club you wouldn't even be mad" she rolled her eyes. "Yo stop playing me with Lorianna" he spoke lowly not wanting to raise his voice at her despite him being pissed off. He could care less about it not being his club.

"East just go ahead and leave. I already took Solani to my mama and we discussed this earlier. Didn't you say you had business to take care of anyway?" Her voice was laced with attitude and he didn't get it. He wasn't trying to stop her money but he didn't feel like it was a good idea for her to take this hosting seven weeks after giving birth.

"Fuck up talking to me befo— ight" he cut himself off. He wasn't even going there with her because he knew how he could get. He was a completely different person with Lorrie but she was testing him tonight.

"Before you what? Lock me up in a room for hours with no food or water then come beat my ass and kill me?" She teasingly spoke before scoffing. "As fucking if" she continued.

Aariz nodded his head before walking out the room and leaving. She chuckled as the front door slammed.

"Mad for fucking what" she mumbled to herself before looking in the mirror and giving herself a thumbs up. She had finished her makeup twenty minutes prior and had finally touched up the bone straight install Té gave her this morning.

She glanced at her phone to see the time before walking over to her original outfit. She put the clothes back in the closet to find a outfit that would piss Aariz off further. He had been on her ass all day and she had been nothing but understanding, she was over it at this point.

"Oh yea" she grinned at her new clothing selection. She walked over and grabbed the boob tape and taped X's across her nipples while praying she wouldn't leak and cause them to slip.

As she was placing the tape back on the dresser she came across one of Solani's little toys making her pout. Now that was the one thing that almost made her cancel, her baby. The only reason she was so persistent with making her own money was the fact that she didn't like depending on a man.

Yes the gifts, and free money was in fact a blessing in her eyes, but anything could happen. She learned that with Tevin. She was determined to have her own bread and investments even if it meant doing stuff that she nor he particularly agreed with.

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