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Suna sat shirtless on the edge of the bed. The night had swallowed the day a long time ago and the only light illuminating the room was the dim light from his alarm clock; reminding him about the dreadful two hours until he had to wake up. Next to his alarm clock laid an empty bottle; the lid across the room from his frustration. He had ran out of melatonin.

Suna wouldn't wish insomnia on his worst enemy.

His insomnia had gotten better but it suddenly got worse the night to Sunday. It was now the night to Monday and he had morning practice at 6, a little over two hours away.

He sighed in frustration and held his forehead up with his palm, resting his elbow on his knee. He had already cycled through his emotions. Frustration, anger, sadness and hopelessness. Now he was back on frustration.

He had been consistently sleeping better for months and now it suddenly came back? After all that progress?

"You're so fucking dumb, Rintarou." He gritted his teeth as he cursed himself out, his voice barely above a whisper. He knew why it came back. He had been dealing with insomnia long enough to know why he couldn't sleep. He was worried. Scared even.

Suna had earned himself a reputation of not being trustworthy. Everyone knew that if they showed Suna their vulnerability, he would use it against them. Would you use what he told you about him against him like he did?


Morning practice had ended a few minutes ago, but you still haven't counted your bruises yet. You waited for Suna to do it for you. He stood on the other side of the court, talking to the coach and Kita, his hands down his shorts.

You noticed how much more slouched down me was and you recalled how sloppy he had been when practicing blocks today.

The man occupying your thoughts came walking towards you after a few minutes. He looked you up and down before making a spinning motion with his finger for you to turn around, and you did. You turned back around and he held up two fingers, causing you to tilt your head to the side.

"Two bruises." He announced with a low and raspy voice.

"You okay, Rin?" You showed your concerns and he took a while to respond. His eyes were looking in straight into yours, but he seemed like he was looking past you, not registering you at all.

"Just tired. Sleeping hasn't come easy lately." He explained and you could see how tired he was. His movements were slow and hesitant and he kept getting lost in his own sentences as you walked together this morning. "Ran out of melatonin and I won't get an appointment for a new prescription before Thursday."

"I have a bottle of melatonin in my medicine cabinet if I remember correctly." You informed him and observed how his eyes were suddenly able to focus on you, glistening with a tiny amount of hope. "They're over the counter and just 1mg so you can have the entire bottle and take as many as you need. They're probably not the best, but maybe it'll help until you get a new prescription?" You smiled gently at him as you tried your best to help the desperate boy in front of you.

"Really? You'll let me have them?" His groggy voice got a bit more cheerful.

"Yeah I don't need them anymore. We'll grab them when we get home okay?" Your smile grew wider and a relief flowed through your veins when you noticed how much more relaxed Suna got.

"I owe you my fucking life." Suna chuckled before being interrupted by a yawn.


You had drowned out the teacher's voice with you own daydreams and instead of paying attention to her lesson you decided to doodle in your notebook. Reality came falling back to you when Osamu gently nudged your shoulder to get your attention. You looked up at him and he nodded his head towards a woman standing in the doorway of the classroom, wanting both of your attention.

"What's going on?" You questioned as you walked between the two of them in the empty halls. You had already picked up on the white long coat the woman was wearing. You assumed that maybe she was the school nurse.

"Drug tests." Osamu replied and your eyebrows shot up in suprise.

"We need to take a sample of your blood to check for any drug usage." The woman explained further with a soft voice, but her reply didn't help your confusion either.

"Do I look like I do drugs or something?" You nervously joked and distracted your eyes with the view from a classroom with the door open. You quickly passed the scene and you were forced to watch as the door to the nurses office came closer.

"We need to be tested for drugs before we can go to nationals. It's to make sure no one is cheating with performance enhancing drugs." Osamu reminded you. "If they catch something then you're disqualified. Unless you have a prescription like adderall or something." He shrugged and waited for you to walk into the room, offering you to take the test first.

"Not scared of needles are you?" The woman asked as you sat in the chair with your arm on full display for her.

"No." You were quite used to them in fact. But even though you were used to them didn't mean that you enjoyed it so you took a deep breath while waiting for the uncomfortable sting to come.

"We'll have the results ready to your coach tomorrow morning." She added after she had taken the blood she needed. You rolled down your sleeve and pressed on the cotton ball through the fabric as you stood up again, finally being out of that familiar chair.


"Where are you going?" You asked Suna when he continued on walking straight ahead instead of taking the turn towards the gym with you.

"Home to sleep." He mumbled and the wind made it difficult to hear him, but you still did.

"What about practice?" You asked. You knew how tired he was and as his friend you wanted him to go home to sleep as well, but you were concerned about the coach.

"Kita and coach will understand." He reassured you and began to turn to around to part ways with you.

"Rin, wait!" You caught his attention and walked up to him while rummaging through your pocket. "Here." You pull out your keys and wait for him to take his hands out of his pocket before putting them in his palm. The way your fingers brushed against his sent electricity from your fingers tips throughout your entire body.

"Thanks, Y/n." Suna smiled faintly and put your keys safely in his pocket. "I'll leave the keys on your table and the door unlocked." You nodded and took a few moments to gaze at him as he walked away.

Lying Little Libero [Suna]Where stories live. Discover now