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"It looks good on you." The manager smiled as she complimented your uniform. You could admit that it felt a bit big due to how much more covering it was compared to the womens uniform, but it didn't bother you too much.

"Thank you!" You beamed a smile at her as you looked down on your white uniform.

"You'll get your away uniform soon, it's being washed right now." She explained. "Or it's actually the home uniform since you're wearing the away one now." She pointed out and you nodded in response.

"Looking good, Y/n!" An arm wrapped around your shoulder. Atsumu cheerfully smiled at you. "Excited?"

"Very." You replied enthusiastically as you tagged along his side to start warming up. You started doing a few laps around the court with some other teammates when you laid eyes on Suna who was stretching in the corner. He really was flexible and he looked so relaxed, not bored or annoyed, relaxed. You stopped staring at Suna when the doors opened and a team in turquoise uniforms walked in. You stopped to look at them and take in their appearance.

The captain was easy to spot and you didn't understand why everyone seemed so scared of him. He looked like he was goofing around and even flirting with girls. He reminded you of Atsumu with his silly nature, but Atsumu could be very serious on the court so maybe they also had that trait in common.

"It's rude to stare." A certain tease snapped you out of your trance. "Come on, coach is calling us over." Suna waved you over to follow him to where the rest of the team was standing.

"This is the first match we'll be playing with Y/n as our official libero." The coach started talking when you all had gathered in a circle. "If we win this match we go to nationals, so do everything to win."


After about 20 more minutes of warming up you all found yourselves standing in a circle with your arms around each other, listening to Kita giving the captain speach. You were standing next to Suna and Aran and took note of how Sunas arm was a bit weirdly placed on your back. Perhaps it was to prevent Aran from feeling your sports bra?

"Remember your promise?" Suna whispered in your ear and you looked at him to see his smug face. "You're receiving every serve."

"There's no way I'm able to receive every single serve." You argued back in a hushed voice.

"Every. Single. Serve." He smirked and you stepped on his foot to shut him up.

"Don't think I don't see you Suna and Y/n." Kita scolded you and you felt that familiar cold sweat running down your back and the look on Sunas face told you that he felt the same.

Kita finished speaking and you all found your place on the court. The opposite team had already found their spot on the court and you adjusted your knee pads as you waited for the whistle to blow. Atsumu was serving first and your eyes fell on Suna who seemed to be starting down their middle blocker. The whistle blew and Atsumu served the ball and it flew right into their court; scoring a point.

"Nice Atsumu!" You complimented him and he smiled confidently in response. He served another ball and this time their Libero managed to receive it, although it was a bit sloppy. Even though it was sloppy Oikawa managed to set it perfectly to his ace, number four. Suna and Osamu jumped up to block it.

"I touched it!" Suna announced as the ball went flying to the far left. It looked like they would score a point, but before you knew it you ran across the court and received it right before it hit the ground. The ball went right to Atsumu who tossed it perfectly to his twin to score another point. You got back on your feet and smiled.

You had almost forgotten how good it felt to play volleyball.

"Impressive." Atsumu complimented you as he walked past you to serve yet another time. This time he got a bit too excited and the ball landed out of the court and you saw who's turn it was to serve. It was his turn.

The sound that came when the ball made impact with his hand was almost nostalgic. You could tell that it was a powerful spike, but you had seen it before. You knew exactly what his plan was.

It felt as if all eyes were on you and they probably were as the ball was headed straight towards you. You extended your arms and braced yourself for impact. The ball hit you hard, but it hit right and even though you were knocked to your butt, you received it perfectly. It went right up to Atsumu as you hoped and he set it to Suna.

You prepared to save the ball as two blockers blocked Suna. It looked impossible to get the ball over, but Suna showed you what his flexibility was good for. He rotated his upper torso and scored the point. He snickered at the enemy captain as he seemed in disbelief that you managed to receive his serve at the first try. Suna turned around to see if you saw what he just did. He was showing off.

Seijoh was by no means a weak team and even though you were able to receive the captains serves, he was still shining as a setter. And he wasn't the only good one on their team either. They definitely lived up to all things you had heard about them.

The score was now 23-20 in your favor and it was Oikawas turn to serve again. This time he went for a jump float serve. How you always hated jump floaters. They were always so unpredictable and used to throw you off, but this time you felt confident.

During your many long stays in the hospital you got so bored you started to study physics and found a way to implement it into volleyball. You studied the ball closely. You studied how it came right at Aran. He had long ago avoided you at all cost, but you were persistent and found a way receive it anyway. Aran got himself ready to receive it when you noticed how the ball spun. You opened your mouth and hoped that your team trusted you.

"Out!" You yelled and it was maybe a bit too loud due to the heat of the moment, but it did the trick. Your sudden call out startled Aran and he immediately moved away from the ball to let it fall. You felt all eyes on you, judging you. And you couldn't blame them as it didn't look like it was going out at all and you were questioning if you made the right call. But then, right before it hit the floor, it suddenly rotated and landed outside of the bounds. The whistle blew as the flags were raised; declaring it out of bounds. You sighed in relief and looked at the captain of Seijoh, he looked calm but you could clearly see a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

Suna scored the last point a few minutes later, winning you the first set.

You panted as you drank from your water bottle while the coach talked and a drop of sweat left your forehead and fell to the floor. It was your first real game after your cancer and you didn't play bad at all. Sure you made a few mistakes, but everyone makes those and you did your most important job of this match. Denying their captain service aces.

"Good call on that ball that went out of bounds there." Aran placed a hand on your shoulder and smiled as he walked with you back on the court.

"Thanks! And thank you for trusting me." You smiled back at him.

"But seriously though, how did you see that? It totally looked like it was going to hit right where Aran stood." Atsumu asked in an enthusiastic tone.

"I noticed how the ball was spinning and realized it would make a sharp turn before it hit the ground." You explained to them as you rolled your shoulders to loosen them.

"You seriously managed to do some sort of physics calculation in that short time?" Atsumu laughed a bit as he didn't quite understand how that was possible.

"You should use that smart brain of yours during class. Maybe then you wouldn't be so behind on everything." Suna teased as he stood in front of you with his hands down his shorts. You looked at his face then down to his hands then up to his face again with a raised eyebrow. "It's to keep my hands warm." He explained with a deadpan expression. You were about to answer, but were cut off when the referee blew the whistle to start the second set.

Lying Little Libero [Suna]Where stories live. Discover now