8|Sports bra

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"Who do you wear a sports bra?" He looked up from his cat and straight in your eyes. His cold stare and the fact that you were caught by him yet again made your breath hitch.

"I don't wear a sports bra?" You try to play dumb, but your body language gave you away. Your eyes darted around at various things in his apartment.

"I felt it when I helped you stretch." He explained himself and put his cat down on the floor. She rubbed against your legs before rubbing against his legs and back to your again. You were too stunned to say anything and your silence made him a bit embarrassed. "It was on accident of course." He murmured and took his eyes off you so you wouldn't get the wrong idea.

"It's not a sports bra." You denied it again to hold on to the hope that he hadn't figured out your true identity yet. Your heartbeat slowled just a tiny bit now that he wasn't as confident and his eyes were off yours. "I wear it to help with my posture." You were getting a bit uncomfortable with how well you were able to lie. "You should try it." You added as a desperate attempt to take the conversation off you and rather push it on him instead.

"When did you become so feisty?" He chuckled and your attempt seemed to have worked. You silently let out a sigh of relief and made your way to the door. "Where are you going?" He raised an eyebrow and eyed his cat as she left his side to get some affection from you.

"Home." You replied and gave his cat a few pets before she decided she's had enough and jumped on the couch to nap.

"Why?" He put his hands in his pockets. "You don't want to hang out with me?" He faked a frown to tease you.

"You said you were going to sleep weren't you?" You crossed your arms.

"That was obviously just to get Atsumu and Osamu away from us." He rolled his eyes like it was the most obvious thing ever. "I want to gossip with you."

"Why?" You blink a few times to process what he just said. "Don't you have anyone else to gossip with?"

"They're not interested in gossip and the only one interested is Atsumu and Osamu." He sighs and sits down on his couch next to his cat. "And most of my gossip is about them." He chuckles.

"I'm not really that good at getting gossip." You admit and sit down on the couch next to him. "But I'd love to hear all about it."

"That's the spirit." He gave you a smug smirk.


"Don't fall asleep on my couch now." Suna spoke with boredom, sounding almost threatening. You had let a yawn escape your lips after about an hour of gossiping with the middle blocker.

"What's the time?" You groan and stand up to stretch.

"23.37." He answered you as he remained on the couch with his cat in his lap.

"Shit." You mumble to yourself as you make your way over to his door. "I'm going to bed."

"See you tomorrow then." He shrugged and didn't move from where he was seated. You waved him goodbye before walking out the door and the few meters to your own door. Your apartment was an eyesore compared to his with how empty it was, but you didn't let it bother you right now since you were quickly asleep in your bed.


Sweat dripped from your forehead as you tried to catch your breath. Practice was almost over and you felt exhausted, but you pushed through as another ball came in your direction. It made contact with your forearms and the sting gave you a rush of adrenaline to receive the next one as well.

The coach blew his whistle to end the practice and you turned your attention to him, not noticing the ball that was flying towards you. It hit you right in the nose and knocked you to your butt.

"What the hell?" You mumbled and touched your stinging nose to see if it was bleeding.

"Shit! You okay Y/n? I'm sorry." Atsumu came running towards you and you met him with a smile.

"Yeah I'm fine." You reassured him and looked at your hand. "I'm not bleeding." You chuckled with a huge grin on your face. When you had cancer you would get nose bleeds all the time from something as small as sneezing, but now, even after taking a volleyball to the face you didn't bleed.

"You sure can receive a ball, even with your face." Atsumu joked and offered you a hand to help you up. You took his hand, taking note of how rough it was and got back on two feet. "Your hands are soft for a volleyball player." He commented.

"Makes sense since I'm a libero." You smiled and walked with him to grab your water bottles. "I don't spike or block nearly as much as you do." You explained and took a sip from your water bottle. He hummed in response.

"One, two." You felt a finger poke two spots on the back of your thigh. A hand grabbed onto your shoulder and spun you around so he could finish his counting. "Three, four." Suna finished counting as he poked the rest of your bruises. "Woah your nose is red." He chuckled and you slapped his hand away before he could touch your nose.

"I accidentally spiked a ball right in his face." Atsumu stepped forward and stood beside you. It didn't take long before you heard a camera shutter.

"Suna you fucking bitch!" You try to snatch his phone from him and wipe that stupid smug smile off his face, but he protected that phone with his life. He laughed as you chased him around the court. You both suddenly come to a stop when you felt a cold stare in your back. You both turned around to see that Kita was staring you down.

"Do you see why everyone is so scared of Kita now?" He whispered and you nodded.


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