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"Why don't you want anyone to know about your history with cancer?" Suna asked as he walked beside you to morning practice. He had woken up extra early to walk with you so he could get the answers he wanted.

"Everytime I tell someone they start to baby me." You sighed and kicked a rock on the ground. You briefly looked up to look at the way he looked back at you. Suna wasn't scared of eye contact and he held it as he slowly chewed his breakfast which consisted of an apple the same color of the roses you had once admired. "They always tell me to take it easy and won't allow me to be independent." You continue your explanation that you owed him. "They hold me back from reaching my full potential." Suna seemed to nod as he tried to understand your reasoning.

"Is that why you moved here?" He asked further questions to try and understand you more. Suna truly tried to understand and be a good friend to you as he felt a bit out of place since he didn't know anyone here as well as they already knew each other when he came to Inarizaki.

"Yeah." You smiled gently and took your eyes off him and to the gym that came closer with each step. "Why did you move here?"

"What makes you think I didn't grow up here?" He snickered and acted offended. You saw right through his act of course.

"You don't have the accent." You pointed out and he gave up his offended act and took his last bite of his apple before throwing the core in the trash.

"True that." He waited for you to enter the gymnasium first before stepping in himself. "Thank God for that right?" He joked and you amused him with a short laugh of your own.

"You didn't answer my question." You playfully rolled your eyes at him as he placed his bag on the bench.

"I got scouted." He shrugged to play down how big of an accomplishment that actually was. He easily read the shock on your face and felt a bit awkward as he was never good with compliments.

"I can see why they scouted you. You're a fucking monster on the court." You compliment him as you sat down to put on your volleyball shoes. "I wanted to be a middle blocker when I first started playing." Your claim sparked interest in the boy who was also tying his shoes next to you.

"Why didn't you? Except for the obvious answer." He teased as he looked you up and down. You roll your eyes and stood up, stretching your body.

"I kept spraining my fingers whenever I blocked or spiked." You admit and Suna nodded slightly as he stood up and looked you directly in your eyes. "I feel like I have more control when I use my forearms rather than my palm or fingers. I don't just use my arms when I receive. I put my whole body into it."

"You're the exact opposite of Atsumu." He chuckled and you tilt your head to show your confusion. "It's a good thing don't worry- OW!" Suna yelped as a volleyball hit him right in the back of his head.

"I heard that you bastard!" Atsumu yelled from across the court and Suna turned around as he clenched his fists. If Kita hadn't been standing there Atsumu would have been a dead man.

"What are you doing here, Y/n?" Kita approached you and Suna hurriedly left your side. And rightfully so. Kita made the gym feel ten times colder with just just his stare.

"To practice?" You smiled nervously and tried to sound convincing. "It's basically healed. It's just a tiny bruise left!" You showed him your wrist, but he was having none of it.

"It needs a week to heal and today is just day 6. Come back tomorrow." You tensed your shoulders at his orders and you felt your nervous smile turn into a frown, but his cold demeanor stayed the same.

"Fine." You muttered as you changed back into your normal shoes again. Your head hung low as you walked out of the gymnasium and you even kicked a rock with a heavy sigh to add to your sulking act.


The sound of a pencil leaving its mark on a paper could be heard for a few seconds before it found its way between your teeth again. You were deep into this math problem since you decided to catch up on some school work if you couldn't practice volleyball.

"Chewing on your pencil is bad for your teeth you know." Being too caught up in your school work, you didn't even realize that Osamu had plopped down in his seat next to you.

"Bad habit." You shrugged and put the pencil down on the table, completely forgetting about the math problem and giving all of your attention to Osamu.

"Your hair is getting longer." The gray haired twin pointed out as he reached out and gently twirled a strand of your hair around his finger. "Planning on cutting it?"

"Nah, I think I want to grow it out." You smiled at the fact that your hair was starting to get longer. Of course you were still concerned with passing as a boy, but a part of you wanted to hold onto your feminine side.

"Any particular reason?" Osamu was just like Suna when it came to eye contact, but his gaze didn't feel threatening. You felt like you could let yourself relax more when being around Osamu and not feel like your every move was being watched and analyzed.

"I just thought I'd try something new, something different." You lied through your teeth and even though you had become accustomed to lying it still left you with a lingering feeling of guilt just waiting to eat you up inside. "Might as well play with it before you lose it." You chuckled.

"It's not like you're going to start balding when you hit your twenties, but I get it." Osamu matched your chuckle as he nodded in agreement. "If you do change your mind though, Aran is the guy you go to." He advised you and you felt that familiar feeling of curiosity. "He's really good when it comes to that barber stuff."

"Really?" You raise an eyebrow at the new information he was giving you.

"He cuts the entire teams hair and for free as well." He assured you as he let his habit of boasting about his teamates carry on. "Aran is probably the chilliest guy I know. He's so down to earth." He continued and you nodded to show that you were listening to what was coming out of his mouth. "Me and Atsumu has known him since grade school."

"Poor guy had to deal with your and Atsumus bullshit for so long?" You teased with a laugh and Osamus lips parted slightly as he wasn't expecting that from you.

"I think you have been hanging around Suna too much." He chuckled and playfully shoved your shoulder.

"How so?" You questioned with your small smirk still plastered on your face.

"You're picking up his teasing habit." He explained and you felt your heartbeat rise the slightest bit at his claim. "One tease on the team is enough, we don't need two." He laughed and you joined him in the laughter to calm down your betraying heartbeat.

"Kinda hard when we're neighbors." You giggled and he shrugged as you had a point. "And I'm not nearly as bad as he is." You rolled your eyes with a smile.

"True that." He leaned back in his chair and eyed the teacher as he walked into the classroom. Her sundress flew in the gentle wind that came from a window that was left open.

"Does she only wear sundresses?" You leaned in to whisper to him as she sorted through some papers.

"Yeah." He snorted silently. "You should probably finish that by the way. It's due like right now." He pointed to the unfinished math problem lying on your desk and your eyes widen a bit along with your lips pressing into a thin line.

"Shit, thanks." You whispered and quickly picked up the pencil again to finish where you left off.

Lying Little Libero [Suna]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora