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"Oh my god Y/n." Suna groaned and smacked both of his hands on his forehead and slowly dragging them down his face in frustration. "You are such an idiot!" You had both been sitting on the floor for about three hours to build your furniture and you both felt your patience running thin when you were on the last piece. "It clearly says to put the big screw in here, but you had to be stubborn and insist that the small one had to go there." He pointed aggressively at a picture in the manual before playfully throwing it at your face. "And now we have take this entire thing apart and try again." You both sigh in unison as you picked up the manual from your face.

"The screw looked big!" You argued back and threw the manual on the floor and pointed at the picture again.

"That's because it's magnified?!" Suna looked so done with you the way his mouth was agape and his brows furrowed. You scrunched your face and looked closer at the picture again.

"Oh." You left your lips formed like the shape of the last sound you made as you noticed your little mistake. A nervous laugh escaped your lips as you met his eyes which were staring at you with disbelief.

"If volleyball doesn't work out for you..." He looked you dead in the eyes and you couldn't tell if he was annoyed or angry or even feeling anything at all with his unreadable expression. "...You are a lost cause." He ended his words with a chuckle and you felt your chest get lighter now that you knew that he wasn't mad.

"That certainly wasn't my smartest move, but I'm smart in other things!" You defended yourself against his allegations, but the laugh his teasing pulled out of you proved you to be a pretty shitty lawyer.

"Yeah? Name them." He dared with his signature sly smile. "And volleyball doesn't count."

"Physics." You start and he nodded in acknowledgement. You point to your index finger as you were getting ready to count, but the second thing on the list never came.

"Volleyball and physics. That's it?" He gave you a pitiful and teasing smile which made you grit your teeth as you shoot him a bitter smile. "I'm raiding your kitchen again." He got up from the floor and made his way to your kitchen. You were left sitting on the floor among the mess of screws and bolts.

"Eat something else other than just jelly sticks though!" You remind him and get up from the floor yourself.

"Yeah yeah." He shrugged you off and tossed you a can of soda. You reached out your hand to catch it but it made a loud bang when it hit the floor.

You knew it made a loud bang. It should have made a loud bang. Why couldn't you hear it. You felt overwhelmed by a familiar sensation of exhaustion. Not the kind of exhaustion you'd feel when you finish a volleyball match, but the kind of exhaustion you can only feel after fighting against your own body.

"You okay, Y/n?" It felt as if Suna had both his hands inside your head and pulled you out of your own mind. His eyes looked carefully into yours as if he was trying look past them and into your soul.

You welcomed his gaze with open arms.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You put on a smile, but the way you desperately reached for the couch to keep your balance gave you away instantly. "I'm just a bit tired, sorry." You tried to keep the eye contact he likes, but your vision was blurring. This wasn't just fatigue anymore, it was dizziness.

"You should go home. I'm going to bed." You quickly excused yourself as you stumbled to your bedroom. Each step felt heavier than last and you gave into your shutting eyes as soon as your face made contact with your pillows.

"Well that can't be comfortable." The boy in your apartment mumbled as he took in the sight of your body hanging half way off the bed. It wasn't that Suna was completely blindsighted on what was going on. In fact, he had actually done his own research when he found out about your past diagnosis.


Hours had passed and the time was reaching close to five in the morning when you finally began to wake up. A yawn followed by a groan escaped your lips as you opened your eyes, although it made close to no difference as the room was dark. You got up and walked into your living room to find that the table you and Suna had abandoned was standing on your living room, fully built. You found yourself smiling at the little coffee table he had finished for you, not for free of course as you quickly discovered that your stash of jelly sticks were missing.


"There has to be a shortcut somewhere." You panted as you spoke to the green eyed boy who was running beside you during the teams morning jog.

"No, he really is just that perfect." Suna chuckled as you both watched Kita turn a corner after outrunning you. "No matter what it is, he just never gives." He sighs as he gets slightly frustrated. "One day I'll catch him off guard."

"Off guard?" You questioned while you both increased your speed.

"It has to just be an act right? No one is that perfect." He scoffs. "I'm hoping to catch him baby talk Yuki one day."

"You're so evil." You chuckled and lightly pushed his shoulder as he jogged beside you. "Always wanting to catch people in their weakest moments." You were going to say something else but you completely lost yourself in the sight in front of you.

You knew Suna was attractive, everyone knew that. But you never thought anything of it. You just acknowledged that he was attractive, but you weren't actually attracted to him. But if that was the case, why couldn't you stop staring at the way his hair bounced with his every step, but still having some strands stuck to his forehead? You shook your head along with the way you shook away these thoughts of him.

Lying Little Libero [Suna]Where stories live. Discover now