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You sat down at your desk next to your volleyball teammate. You had just barely managed to make it to class on time due to showering at home.

"Why didn't you shower with us?" Osamu takes the opportunity to ask while the teacher walked out of the classroom to pick up some supplies.

"I forgot my uniform at home." You repeat the lie. You didn't know what excuse you'd use next time.

"You sure you're not shy?" He rested his chin on his palm and you raise your eyebrows. "We're all men, no need to be shy." He shrugged and you couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

"I guess I'm a little shy." You admitted and watched as his lips part to speak again, only to be interrupted by the teacher. You join Osamu with turning your attention to the lecture, although he was better at keeping it than you were.

Even though you had won your battle with cancer you still felt fatigued from time to time and today was one of those days. Although it wasn't nearly as bad as when you were actively fighting cancer, it was still pretty bad. You laid your head down on the desk and closed your eyes. Your teachers were informed by this and let you sleep when you needed it.


"What's going on with Y/n?" Aran asked as Atsumu poked your cheek to try and wake you up.

"Don't know." Osamu was still in his seat. It was lunchtime and the classroom was empty except for five of your teammates. "He just fell asleep during first period."

"And the teacher didn't wake him up?" Suna sat backwards on the chair belonging to the desk in front of where you were sleeping. His tone revealed the slightest hint of skepticism.

"Nope." The gray haired twin shrugged and Suna just nodded in response.

"Atsumu, stop that." Kita removed Atsumu's hand that was poking you. "Maybe he's tired from moving." Kita tried to be reasonable.

You began to stir and you opened your eyes slowly. You yawned as you sat up and rubbed your eyes.

"What the fuck?" You mumble when your vision finally cleared and you were able to see the five boys surrounding you while you slept.

"Sleepy Y/n?" Aran chuckled and sat himself on top of the desk in front of you.

"You're not sick or anything are you?" Atsumu asked with slight concern in his voice.

"No no. I'm just... you know." You tried to find an excuse, but Kita came to your rescue.

"Moving across the country must have worn you out hm?" You nodded to confirm what Kita said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb your lunch." You smile nervously.

"We're here because we care." Osamu reassured you with a calm look on his face. "We met you only yesterday, but you're a teammate now."

"You're our friend, our bro!" Atsumu grinned as he gently fist bumped your shoulder.

"And a pretty good libero." Aran added and Suna hummed in response. You couldn't help but smile a little. It felt nice to have someone to call your friends.

"You coming to practice tomorrow morning?" Kita asked. "After school practice is canceled today since our coach needs to attend a meeting." He informed you.

"Yeah of course." You confirmed that you would be there. You were committed to staying on the team and playing volleyball. Kita nodded and the bell rang; indicating that lunch was over and everyone expected Osamu began to walk out of the classroom to head to their own.

"Don't forget your uniform tomorrow." Suna left a snarky remark before heading out the door. His presence quickly being replaced by other students in your class.

"Ignore him." Osamu sighed and leaned back into his chair. "He likes to tease a lot and poke fun at people, but he's not mean. Don't be scared of him." Osamu explained. You weren't really scared of him, but it was nice to get some reassurance nonetheless so you thanked him with a gentle smile.


The walk home was silent but peaceful. You fidgeted with your ID card and inspected it once again. You had done some digging and found out that you had accidentally pressed 'male' instread of 'female' when you applied to the school. Due to your appearance no one had questioned it. This was also the reason you had been given the boys uniform instead of the girls one.

It felt a bit weird to be addressed as a man. You were happy being a girl, but you were also willing to go to extreme lengths to play volleyball.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when your stomach rumbled. Sleeping through lunch wasn't the best outcome, but you were happy that you were in front of your doorstep now. You unlocked the door, kicked off your shoes and put your bag down by the shoe rack before making your way to the kitchen. All you had right now was a dish you just had to put in the microwave. Not the fanciest, but it would have to do.

After the meal you found yourself in your workout attire. Your volleyball skills had pretty much stayed the same as they were before you got diagnosed, but your stamina had definitely decreased. You were determined to get back at where you where before the cancer so you tied your running shoes and headed out the door.

You were definitely feeling how much worse your stamina had gotten, needing to slow down after just a few minutes to catch your breath. The old you wouldn't even have broken a sweat at that point, but you didn't let that demotivate you. The run lasted about 30 minutes before you were practically gasping for air as you unlocked the door to your apartment.

Wasting no time whatsoever you headed into the shower. Looking at yourself in the mirror hadn't become any easier with the days that came. There were marks and scars on your body that cancer had left on you which will always stay there. Even though you had beaten it. You sighed as you tried to figure out how get away from showering with everyone tomorrow without looking suspicious. You frowned until you spotted the big and long scar across your stomach from a surgery you had to undergo a few months ago as part of your cancer treatment.

Lying Little Libero [Suna]Where stories live. Discover now