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It was Seijoh that was serving first now and you took a deep breath to concentrate. Even though it wasn't Oikawa that was serving you acknowledged that the rest of the team was really good as well. This time the ball didn't come for you and Suna was the one to receive it. Atsumu set it to Osamu who spiked it on their court, but their libero revived it and Oikawa managed to set it to his middle blocker who scored the first point of the set. Shortly after Inarizaki managed to score the second point and it went back and forth like that until Seijoh took the second set.

You looked at the ground as the coach talked about the game plan. You tried your hardest to listen to what he was saying, but it was like you were underwater. Like you were drowning in your own thoughts. You rubbed your forearms that were sore from the brutal treatment their captain gave you and took a few deep breaths. You wanted to win. You wanted to go to nationals and play more.

You stepped on the court to play the last and final set and took your position. You stared at Seijoh and tried to read what they were thinking when you suddenly felt a powerful presence. You all felt it. You turned around to see that Kita had stepped on the court. You saw how Suna ever so slightly straightened his posture and how the twins stopped talking to each other. Kitas presence on the court made you all want to play perfectly. No more messing around or slacking off.

The whistle blew and Atsumu served the ball onto the other side of the court. Atsumu had aimed for Oikawa which forced him to receive the ball so he couldn't set for his team.

"Chance ball!" Atsumu announced as the ball came flying over to your side again. The ball came straight for Atsumu and if he received the ball, he wouldn't be able to set. You shifted your position and Atsumu seemed to had read you perfectly, moving out of the way and allowing you to receive it instead. You sent the ball in Atsumu's direction and he set it for Suna to score the first point of the set. "Nice Y/n!" Atsumu complimented you and gave you a high five before getting ready to serve another ball.

The match went on and suddenly the score was 28-27 in Inarizakis favor. All you needed was one more point and you all knew that. You gulped as you saw who was serving next. You stared at the captain in the turquoise uniform as he tossed the ball up. He wasted no time and jumped up to serve it. Luckily for you he didn't go for a jump floater, but this was probably his best serve yet. It didn't take more than a second for the ball to leave his palm and make contact with your forearms, but it felt like minutes. Time was moving in slow motion and the ball blended in with the strong lights on the ceiling when you looked up. Those lights were so bright you felt yourself drowning in them. Drowning in the memories of waking up after surgery just to be met with bright and cruel lights, just like the ones you were looking at now.

You were dragged out of your thoughts when the ball landed on your forearms, leaving a mean red mark. You clenched your jaw as the burn quickly set in, but the pain didn't matter now. What mattered is that you received the ball. You received the ball perfectly and it went to Atsumu who then set it to Suna. Even though you could only see the back of his head, you knew that Sunas eyes widened when he saw that he was blocked by three blockers. Even with his flexibility, there was no way he was getting the ball over. The ball made impact with his palm before bouncing off one of the blockers hands which sent it straight to the floor under Sunas feet.

A loud bang echoed throughout the court when you threw yourself onto the floor to save the ball. You gasped as a sharp sensation traveled from your wrist throughout your arm. The ball went flying up again and Aran managed to score the winning point. You had saved the ball, but you had landed weird and slammed your wrist hard on the floor.

But you smiled through the pain as you won. You were going to nationals!

"You alright?" Suna asked as he looked down on you still laying on the floor. He reached out his hand to help you up and you accepted his help and got up on two feet. His hands were a lot softer than Atsumu's, but they were still pretty worn out. "That was a pretty hard fall." He pointed out and you held onto your swelling wrist with your hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You reassure him, but he gently grabbed your hand to inspect your wrist. You whinced at the pain when he pressed a bit on it to see if anything was broken. He dragged you over to the bench and sat you down, still with your arm in his hands. After a few words with the manager she handed him an ice pack with he held to your wrist.

"Are you hurt Y/n?" Osamu walked up to you two and looked at the ice pack held to your wrist.

"It's just going to bruise, I'm fine." You smile and watch as the rest of the team approached you.

"You did so good there!" Atsumu beamed a smile to you. He was in a really good mood and so were everyone else. Kita took your hand from Suna and examined it carefully.

"For your first game I'm very impressed." The coach smiled gently and commended you. "We're excited to go to nationals with you." You felt your lips crul up to a smile as he mentioned nationals, but it was quickly dropped again when Kita spoke up.

"You should go to the hospital and get an x-ray." He let go of your hand and it sunk slowly in your lap. You felt your heart get heavy and your mind started to race. You didn't want to go to the hospital again, but you knew that it was no point in arguing with Kita.

"But I don't know my way to the hospital." You desperately tried to get out of it. The happiness from the win was taken away from you way too quickly.

"I'll take you there." Suna stood up and looked at you then at Kita who gave him a nod. You gritted your teeth together as you stood up, knowing you were in no position to argue.

"Do you think someone is broken, Kita?" The coach asked concerned and Kita shook his head.

"Most likely not, but it's good to make sure." The coach nodded at his explanation and you found yourself following Suna out of the gymnasium.

You both made it out of the gymnasium and walked past the team you had just won against. You couldn't help, but feel a little pity as you saw them cry knowing you would also have been crying if this was your last volleyball match.

"You don't have to take me there, Suna. I can find my way through Google maps." You spoke after a few minutes of walking.

"You've made it clear that you hate the hospital." He replied and slowed his pace so you could walk beside him rather than behind him. "Maybe it gets a little easier if I'm there with you."

Lying Little Libero [Suna]Where stories live. Discover now