16|Team night

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Why the Miya house was chosen for these gatherings became obvious as soon as you set foot into their living room. Their TV was huge and they had a lot of places to sit. Despite all the available places to sit down, you ended up sitting next to Suna. Not that you minded. You sat on the edge of the couch with your legs close to your upper body as Suna was more relaxed in the way he sat, leaning back into the couch.

"Who's turn was it to choose the movie again?" Osamu asked in a flat tone as he scrolled through their streaming services with the remote.

"It's my turn." Atsumu reminded his twin and a grin on his face which caused Suna to shift a tiny bit from where he sat.

"Shouldn't we let Y/n decide?" Aran suggested and the atmosphere grew uneasy as Atsumu turned around to stare down Aran. "Since it's his first time and all." He continued to explain himself to peel Atsumu's eyes off himself.


"Good idea, Aran." Kita interrupted Atsumu's protests and you felt the piercing stare that Aran previously felt. You locked eyes with Atsumu and took note of how narrow they were.

"I'm only allowing this because it's your first time." His voice was threatening and his gaze hardened even more. You felt yourself growing a bit unsure of what to do before Osamu came to your rescue and threw a pillow at his brothers face. Surprisingly Kita didn't comment on it.

"Stop acting hard." Osamu scolded Atsumu, still not taking his eyes of the screen. "What would you like to watch, Y/n?" Suna sighed quietly question as he realized he wasn't getting out of watching a romance movie this night.

"A spy movie." You suprised yourself with your answer as you had let your mouth speak before getting any input from your mind. Suna turned to look at you with a raised eyebrow, but you didn't dare to meet his gaze. Osamu nodded and started searching for a spy movie and Suna replaced his curios expression with a sly smirk and turned his attention on the screen.

As the movie played you truly understood how much you missed being healthy. You felt how much you missed being normal.

How much you missed a room filled with laughter and not pity.

You joined in on the laughs, snarky comments and the occasional pillow that was thrown as the movie progressed.

But doubt began to creep into your mind as the movie was coming to an end. You were having such a great time until now so why were you having second thoughts now? Maybe it was because your mind never fully recovered even when your body did? You had gotten so used to being sick that perhaps your mind had forgotten what it was like to be healthy again?

A part of you felt like this was all a lie. Your laughter, words and actions were all real. They were all you. You were still you even if you pretend to be a boy.

But when you looked in the mirror you didn't see yourself. How did everyone else see you? Did they see a fake you.

"Yo Y/n." A familiar monotone voice pulled you out from the cruelty of your own mind. You got so lost in your own overthinking that you hadn't realized the movie had already ended and the only ones left were you and Suna along with the twins who lived in the house. "You ready to go home?" Suna was still sitting beside you as he waited patiently for an answer.

"Hm? Oh yeah sure." You quickly collected yourself and stood up from the couch.

"Leaving already?" Atsumu peaked his head out from the kitchen. "We were planning on making some onigiri if you guys wanted to stay here and eat." He offered and you realized how hungry you actually were. You opened your mouth to accept the offer but Suna beat you to it.

"Oh fuck no! I do not want to be apart of that and neither do you." Suna grabbed your wrist and dragged you outside before you could even process what happened. Atsumu yelled some curses after Suna from the window but Suna ignored them and let your wrist go. "Those fucks love food as much as they love volleyball." He sighed.

"Why'd you decline?" You frowned as you matched your footsteps with his ones without even noticing.

"I accepted the offer once. Biggest fucking mistake." He shivered as he recalled the memories. "I didn't know it was possible to argue that much over rice." His last sentence earned him an honest laugh from you. "It's not that I don't like hanging out with them." He felt the need to explain himself. Suna usually never cared how people looked at him, but for some reason he didn't want you to get the wrong idea of him.

"Then why were you in such a hurry to get away from there." You tilted your head to the side.

"I don't like to get involved in their antics and I know how much they fight when it comes to food." He continued to explain and you turned to look at him so he understood that you listened. "A lot of people think that I don't care for anything but that's simply not true."

Usually Suna wouldn't bother to explain himself. People could see him the way they wanted for all he cared so he couldn't understand why he was letting you know him so much.

"I do like and dislike things, but I've never really hated or loved anything." You listened closely to him talk about himself. Suna was a very quiet type and he certainly wasn't the type to talk about himself without anyone asking. Seeing him ramble like this was a rare sight and you definitely cherished the moment.

"You don't love volleyball?" You asked him as you wanted to take this opportunity to learn more about him.

"I like it, but I can't say I love it." He shrugged and that answer didn't sit right with you.

"You're so good at volleyball, how can you not love it?" You felt yourself getting a bit carried away with the way your voice got louder with each sentence.

"Now that's deeper than I wanna go." He chuckled and you shared his laugh with one of your own. You were curious about him, but decided to not push it any further.

"Are you excited for nationals?" You changed the topic to keep the conversation going.

"Not as excited as you are, that's for sure."

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