Chapter 13

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As Jungkook enters the club, he is instantly greeted by several of the bouncers. "Tell me what is going on." Jungkook pulls the bouncers aside to a private room.

"We have checked the cameras but have not found where or when the dancers disappeared. It is disturbing because the dancers are not the only ones that disappear. A bartender and two cleaners have also disappeared." A bouncer with a scar on his left cheek explains.

"Give me the list of those who disappeared and the dates and times they disappeared," Jungkook instructs as he grabs a cigarette and lights it.

Within a few minutes, everything is laid out in front of Jungkook. As he goes through the profiles of the missing people, he realizes that they are all women with blonde hair. "Go out there and keep an eye on all of the women who are blonde. It is rare for women to be blonde here, so also watch the ones who are not naturally blonde. This includes the women partying here." Jungkook quickly tells the bouncers.

Once Jungkook is alone, he checks everything that has been discovered so far. All of them are small women. They all went missing at around the same time. This is worrisome. Jungkook sighs as he continues to examine the evidence. 

After going through the information given to him, Jungkook leaves the private room and goes into the main room, where the music is deafening, and the air is hot and sweaty. As he patrols the club, he watches every person who interacts with women with blonde hair. When he spots a man groping a woman who is uncomfortable, Jungkook approaches them.

"Beat it. She clearly doesn't want you touching her." Jungkook hisses, yanking the man's hand off of the woman.

"Who the fuck are you?!" The man shouts with anger as the woman scurries off to her group of friends.

"The manager of this club. Now, fuck off." Jungkook growls, tossing the man to the ground.

When the man scurries off, Jungkook continues his patrol. If the information is correct, a woman will go missing tonight. As Jungkook looks toward the bar, he notices a very handsome man flirting with a blonde woman. Before Jungkook looks away, he sees the man slip something into the drink.

"The man with a blonde woman at the bar just slipped something into her drink. Check it out." Jungkook speaks into the communication earpiece as he keeps an eye on the man and woman from a distance.

"Yes, Sir." Two of the guards walk over to the pair. When they reach the pair, the woman drunkenly flirts with them. "Sir, she is intoxicated."

"She wasn't intoxicated when I first spotted her. Grab the man and take her to the hospital." Jungkook tells the guards as he continues to scan the area.

As he continues to scan the area, he watches a man sneak out the back way. The way that the man looks around before going out of the back door raises suspicion. Jungkook quickly runs to the door the man left through and swings it open. When he runs through the alley to the front street, he watches the man get into a taxi with a blonde woman.

"Send that man to the police. I found the one we are looking for." Jungkook quickly tells the bouncers as he gets on his motorcycle.

Jungkook quickly follows after the taxi while maintaining a safe distance. The man did not leave the club with her. He snuck out the back. That is what makes this suspicious. 

When the taxi pulls up to an apartment complex, Jungkook follows it in and then finds a parking spot. He walks into the building as if he is one of the residents. As the pair walks into the building after Jungkook, he makes sure to get onto the elevator first and then waits for them to get on.

"Which floor?" Jungkook asks once the pair have joined him.

"Six." The man responds as he snakes his arm around the smiling woman's waist, grabbing her butt.

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