Chapter 12

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When Jungkook wakes up, he is surprised that he has not received a call or message. He checks his phone to make sure he did not miss anything, but he finds no messages or calls. As he looks at his phone, a message pops up. 

"Did you survive?" Jungkook stares at the message and then responds with a simple "Yes."

"Is that her?" Taehyung asks as he looks at the message.

"Yes." Jungkook softly hums and sets his phone down.

"Do you think she is the one testing you?" Taehyung's voice is filled with worry.

"Probably. She has tested me before. There are other undercover cops who have infiltrated the group that I do not know about. She is most likely getting suspicious of everyone around her because several members have been arrested. Also, she does this to spite me." Jungkook explains as he intertwines their fingers.

"To spite you?" Taehyung asks and lays his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Most likely." Jungkok softly hums, lifting Taehyung's hand to his lips, and presses a tender kiss on the top of Taehyung's hand.

"That is fucked up." Taehyung sighs as he rests his head on Jungkook's chest. "How are you feeling? Are you in pain?"

"I am okay. You took excellent care of me last night." Jungkook smiles, wrapping an arm around Taehyung to pull him closer.

As the pair cuddles, Jungkook's phone rings. When Jungkook sees who is calling, he sighs and answers the phone. "Ji-An, what is wrong?"

"Where are you? I heard you were attacked." Ji-An asks as she stands in Jungkook's empty apartment.

"I am not home right now. I am okay. Don't worry about me." Jungkook answers as he looks out of Taehyung's window at the blue sky.

"Why are you never home these days?" Ji-An asks as she storms out of Jungkook's apartment.

"Because I have other places to be." Jungkook calmly hums as he softly smiles at Taehyung.

"What about me?! Are you leaving me behind?!" Ji-An screams as she grips her phone.

"No. I am not leaving you behind. I made a promise, and I will keep it." Jungkook keeps his voice calm as he talks to Ji-An.

"Where are you? If you really are not leaving me behind, tell me where you are." Ji-An quickly gets into the elevator to leave the building.

"Ji-An, you know that we have boundaries. I am not leaving you behind, but I will not tell you where I am." Jungkook softly sighs and looks into Taehyung's warm brown eyes.

"Have you found someone? Are you with someone right now? Am I no longer important?" Ji-An's voice trembles as she shakily holds her phone.

"Ji-An, you are important." Jungkook pecks Taehyung's forehead before getting up because he knows Ji-An is about to get more upset.

"Then why?! If I am important, why won't you tell me where you are or who you are with?!" Ji-An screams into the phone as the elevator doors open.

"Because you and I have different lives. I promised to get you out, and I will. However, this does not mean that I have to tell you everything about me." Jungkook responds as he walks onto Taehyung's balcony and lights a cigarette.

"You can't leave me!" Ji-An screams in the middle of Jungkook's apartment building lobby.

"Ji-An, you and I are not together. You and I were never together." Jungkook firmly tells Ji-An for the hundredth time.

"But you promised we would get out of this together!" Ji-An pulls on her hair as her tears smudge her mascara and eyeliner on her face.

"We will get out together, but you and I are not together," Jungkook explains, wishing he had alcohol.

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