Chapter 7

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"And why do I have to go with your boyfriend to the event?" Taehyung asks with exasperation as Seokjin tries to bribe him with pastries and food.

"Because I have to hunt down Wynter since she decided to disappear in Peru one month before her book's release date without giving me the final copy!" Seokjin cries out in pain. "Why would she do this to me?!"

"Sounds like you need the cookies." Taehyung chuckles when Seokjin voices his agony.

"The mountains in Peru! Seriously?! They are beautiful and everything, but I would rather be vacationing there with my Joon! Wynter is going to die by my hands!" Seokjin curses as he wails in agony. "My Joon is just returning from England after being away for three months! I was looking forward to this event! WYNTER! I am coming for you!" Seokjin wails and curses.

"Okay. Okay. I will go with CEO Kim to the event." Taehyung gently pats Seokjin to try to calm him down.

"I have spoiled her too much! I should be harsh with her like how I am harsh to Bandyt!" Seokjin shouts as he grips his hair with frustration.

"I am the only author who isn't sending you to an early grave." Taehyung chuckles and shakes his head.

"You truly are an angel." Seokjin sighs and rubs his face with his hands.

"When is the event?" Taehyung asks as he picks up a hwajeon.

"It is tomorrow night," Seokjin mumbles with a frown. "My flight leaves tonight. When I catch that brat, I will drag her back by the ear!"

"Maybe she went for inspiration," Taehyung suggests as he finishes his hwajeon.

"Then she should have messaged me! I only found out she is in Peru because her mother told me!" Seokjin wails and melts into his chair.

"Thank you for reminding me why I am just a writer and not a producer or manager or CEO." Taehyung chuckles and shakes his head.

"I just want to be with my JOON!" Seokjin shouts and grabs his hair again. "He lands in the morning! I won't get to see him! Oh! How is it going with the person you may or may not have met?" Seokjin suddenly perks up when he remembers Taehyung's possible love life.

"Well ... there is something going on." Taehyung softly smiles as he thinks about Jungkook. "So yeah, we met."

"Good. I am happy for you. You definitely deserve to have someone who makes you happy." Seokjin smiles and reaches over to pat Taehyung's back.

"Thank you, Hyung." Taehyung happily smiles as he picks up another hwajeon.

When the time for the event arrives, Taehyung gets dressed in the suit that Seokjin sent him. He smiles as he runs his fingers over the copper-toned suit, then smiles when he sees the beautiful green gem on the necklace.

"I am definitely going to start stealing your jewelry," Jimin warns as he admires Taehyung's necklace.

"What is mine is yours." Taehyung chuckles as he ruffles Jimin's pink hair.

"Do you get to keep this as well?" Jimin asks as he sits on Taehyung's bed and watches Taehyung examine the shoes that came with the suit.

"Yep. It's a thank-you gift from Jin hyung." Taehyung hums as he grabs socks that will go with the shoes.

"I need to do something to get a thank-you gift from Jin hyung." Jimin sighs and falls back onto the bed.

"Just ask him for something. He'll give you anything you want." Taehyung smiles and sits next to Jimin.

"It feels better to get a thank-you gift than to straight up ask for something for no reason." Jimin pouts and looks into Taehyung's eyes. "It's good that you dyed your hair brown. The brown really goes with the suit."

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