Chapter 3

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As Taehyung arrives at the event, he is mesmerized by the flashing lights of the reporters and fans. Many famous and wealthy people are attending the event, so the cameras are focused elsewhere to Taehyung's relief. 

When he gets out of the vehicle, he adjusts his suit jacket and quickly marches past the reporters. Since his face is gorgeous but not famous, the reporters do not know whether they should take pictures or not.

"Who is he?" People whisper amongst themselves as the stunning man in red arrives at the event alone.

Without paying attention to any of the whispers or stares, Taehyung regally marches his way to the bar. Everyone stares at the beautiful man with envy and lust, but the beautiful man spares no one a single glance.

"What would you like, Sir?" The bartender asks as Taehyung stands at the bar.

"A sweet white wine. Any kind works for me." Taehyung responds as he fiddles with the stunning golden bracelet on his wrist.

"Is he the hidden son of a company? Who is he?" Taehyung smirks when he hears the whispers and speculations.

"Here you are, Sir." The bartender hands Taehyung a glass of white wine.

"Thank you." Taehyung smiles, taking the glass with a polite bow of his head.

"Everyone seems interested in you tonight." The bartender chuckles when he hears the whispers.

"It seems so." Taehyung hums, amused, before taking a sip of his wine. "This is good. Thank you." Taehyung smiles as he enjoys his wine.

Taehyung quietly enjoys the event while he watches the wealthy, powerful, and famous mingle together. He remembers when he used to innocently wonder what it would be like at one of these sparkling events. Now that he is here, it is rather dull.

"I think I have had enough for one night. I have worn the suit and smiled for the cameras." Taehyung sighs as he sets his empty glass down.

"Not a fan of these events?" The bartender chuckles as he takes Taehyung's empty glass.

"Not at all." Taehyung smiles, standing up and fixing his stunning suit.

"Let me buy you a drink." A man suddenly stands next to Taehyung, motioning for the bartender to grab a drink for Taehyung.

"No, thank you. I am leaving." Taehyung politely smiles before turning around.

"Stay. I will buy you a drink." The man's voice deepens as he grabs Taehyung's arm.

"Firstly, let go. I am leaving. Secondly, the drinks are on the house." Taehyung hisses as he yanks his arm out of the man's grip.

"I told you to stay, so you will stay." The man snarls, grabbing Taehyung once more.

"Hwang Minjae, let go of him." A man's deep voice commands as he gently pulls Taehyung's arm out of the drunk man's grip.

Taehyung's eyes widen in surprise when he recognizes the man who intervened. He stares at the man in complete shock as he tries to process what is happening.

"Just because my Noona is letting you fuck her does not mean you can tell me what to do!" The drunk man snarls before storming away.

"Are you okay?" The man's voice softens as he looks at Taehyung.

"I am fine. Y-you ... how have you been?" Taehyung asks as he looks into the man's emotionless eyes.

"You should go home. He will try to cause more problems." The man gently holds Taehyung's hand and begins guiding him through the crowded event.

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