Chapter 11

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As Taehyung furiously types away at an ungodly hour, there is a quick knock at his door. "Who in the hell?" He grumbles and stumbles to his door monitor. When the monitor lights up, Taehyung gasps in horror and quickly swings the door open. "What happened?!" He pulls Jungkook into his apartment and looks at the blood on Jungkook in horror. "You're hurt. This time, it's your blood."

"There was a fight," Jungkook explains as he winces in pain.

"Sit down." Taehyung quickly leads Jungkook to the couch.

"I'll get blood on your very expensive couch." Jungkook chuckles and opts to sit on the floor.

"I don't care about the damn couch," Taehyung mutters as he kneels down to examine the injury on Jungkook's abdomen.

"I like that couch, though. It's comfortable." Jungkook grunts when Taehyung puts pressure on the large gash on his stomach.

"Why would you come here? You need to go to a hospital." Taehyung asks as he quickly pulls his shirt off to use to press against the wound.

"I can't have my identity exposed. Plus, I remembered your giant first aid kit." Jungkook chuckles and leans his head against the front of the couch.

"Okay. Hold it." Taehyung places Jungkook's hand over the wound and has him press down. Once Jungkook is putting pressure on his wound, Taehyung gets up to grab his first aid kit. "I have never done stitches before," Taehyung grumbles as he grabs disinfectants and gauze from the kit.

"I can do it." Jungkook calmly hums as he watches Taehyung frantically get everything together.

"Okay. I will disinfect the injury first." Taehyung mutters as he removes the shirt material from Jungkook's wound and then dumps the disinfectant on the injury. Jungkook quietly hisses in pain as the disinfectant does its work.

Once Taehyung has cleaned the stab wound, he hands Jungkook the needle and stitching thread. With teary eyes, he watches as Jungkook stitches up his injury. "Have you been doing this alone all these years?" Taehyung quietly asks as he wipes the blood that is dripping from the injury.

"Yeah. Usually in some shady public bathroom." Jungkook chuckles as he makes the final stitch.

"Come to me from now on. Don't be alone." Taehyung whispers as he looks into Jungkook's eyes.

"Okay." Jungkook softly smiles and leans forward to peck Taehyung's lips.

"Let's get you cleaned up so that you will be more comfortable." Taehyung mumbles against Jungkook's soft lips.

"That works with me." Jungkook hums and moves to stand up.

Taehyung quickly helps Jungkook stand up and then helps him to the bathroom. Knowing that water cannot get into Jungkook's wound, Taehyung grabs a soft wash cloth and turns the sink on. They are quiet as Taehyung fills the sink with warm soap water.

Once the sink is filled, Taehyung dips the washcloth into the water and rings it out. He is gentle as he wipes down Jungkook's torso because there are many large bruises and cuts.

"Taehyung, look at me." Jungkook softly tells Taehyung as he gently places his finger under Taehyung's chin to tilt his face up. "I am okay." He gently smiles and pecks Taehyung's forehead. "There is no reason to cry."

"It hurts knowing that you have been alone in such a dangerous world." Taehyung sniffles as he looks into Jungkook's gentle gaze. "And the people who were supposed to be on your side ostracized you instead of protecting you or comforting you."

"I'm okay. Do not cry, Sunflower." Jungkook whispers as he gently presses a tender kiss on Taehyung's lips. "I'm not alone anymore." He softly smiles as he tenderly nuzzles his face against Taehyung's face.

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