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quick update before i disappear for exams and performances (wish me luck😣🤞)


the nurse walked in with a confused look on her face

"theres someone named yoon ji here, she claims to know you guys?"

"yoon ji?.. we dont know her." chan was first to speak

"she wont leave until she sees you guys.."  the nurse looked nervous

"fine, let her in" chan sighed

yoon ji had a nervous look plastered on her face as she walked in. she bowed and gave a small wave, ". . .hi"

"why are you here?" minho spoke in a stern tone.

"i heard that hyunjin and seungmin got into an accident. i wanted to check in on you guys. . ."

"but you dont even know us?" minho raised an eyebrow

"i. . ." she seemed scared

"dont scare the poor girl" chan smacked the back of minhos head

"ow! what the fuck?!" minho hissed

minho turned back to yoon ji and noticed how she looked at seungmin with resentment and hatred, but fear at the same time.

"you checked up on them and theyre not dead. you can go now." minho lazily dismissed her.

yoon ji bowed and looked at seungmins direction, a slight scowl painting her face before turning and leaving

once they made sure she was gone, minho sighed, "i was about to punch that bitch in the face."

". . . why?" jisung questioned.

"did you see the way she looked at seungmin?!"

"no. was it bad?"

"yes. i feel like she was the one who sabotaged them."

"we dont have any proof though" chan reasoned

"i mean. . . she seems to have hatred towards seungmin and the prop was faced to seungmin. of hyunjin hadnt moved then seungmin couldve died on impact." changbin spoke up

"damn. did u also get hit?" jeongin stared at him

"no? why?"

"howd you come up with all that. usually you would be sitting doing nothi-" jeongin was cut off by changbin pushing him

"ow. goddamn it." jeongin sighed

they heard groaning and looked over to seungmin helping hyunjin sit up

"why are you getting up?! are you okay?!" of course, chan was the first to speak

"calm down. im fine"

"then why are you getting up?"

"is it really a rare sighting to see me get up?" hyunjin huffed

chan playfully rolled his eyes, "does anything hurt?"

"more like everything. but ill be fine."

"are you sure?"

"yeah. dont worry" hyunjin smiled

the nurse walks back in, "someone named minseok is here to see you guys." she had a serious look plastered on her face, giving the others a signal that it was important.

"let him in" chan was the first to speak. . . obviously.

a man, seeming like an investigator walked in. he bowed deeply before introducing himself, "my name is yoo minseok. i am the investigator of kim seungmin and hwang hyunjin's case. we found a lead who may have sabotaged the stage prop."

"who?" felix seemed nervous as he spoke.

"a boy named park sung-jae and a his group. we do not know the names of his members. do you happen to know who sung-jae is?"

they shook their heads in synchronization.

minseok sighed before readjusting his glasses, "thank you for your cooperation. i will be back once i get more news on sung-jae" he stood up and bowed before turning and leaving

a few minutes passed by with the others being in silence.

suddenly, hyunjin gasps as his eyes grow wide.

they all turn to look at him.

he speaks in a shaky and low voice,

"i know who sung-jae is."


MY PERFORMANCE IS IN 2 DAYS AND I STILL HAVENT PRACTICED. OH GOODNESS. anyways, ty for the people who suffered through this horrible book. my writing style and personality changed i swear. i dont have the heart to discontinue it tho☹️

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