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this book is gonna have irregular updates bc i ran out of ideas.



"the officer told us to go back rn" "k"


"jeongin, mrs.hwang is proven innocent." "what!? no way! i saw her! i know it was her!" " "then you saw wrong." "no he didnt."

hyunjin pulled out his phone, opening it to a recording and throwing it on the table


"so mrs. hwang. how much will you be paying me again?" "twelve million won."

"maybe you'll need to go higher. after all, i am risking my job for this" "i think that's plenty for backstabbing some fags." "whatever you say." "so deal?"




"hands behind your back." "wh- hanuel?" "yeah thats me now hands behind your fucking back. baekhyun, get mrs. hwang" "k."

"you- you fucking imbecile! i raised you and this is how you-" "shut the fuck up. you didnt raise me, my father did."


after, they drove back to the hospital.

chan was also discharged and able to leave

"channie-hyungg~" "hey baby" "you're okay?" "why else would i be standing with my keys?" "i dont know to be honest. lets go"

"so what happened at the station?" "she and the cop got arrested." "the cop? why?" "apparently the cop was planning to deem her as innocent because he was bribed. but hyunjin recorded the whole conversation" "isnt that illegal?" "yeah." "our lives are fucked up arent they." "yeah."


"how did you guys get back so late? you were discharged two whole hours ago" "we fu-" "no we di- yeah we did." "oh! get out." "what? this is my dorm" "your getting kicked out of your own dorm." "wait how did you even get in?" "lock pick. jisung's weird."

"hey! i use it to get into your dorms." "only?" "hear me o-" "no. no jisung. carrying a box of lockpicks in your backpack isnt normal. im not hearing you out." "all of you are weird." "says the one who was in hospital after a fatal car crash and then fucked eachother the moment you got out." "lo-"

"no. im done with you guys. you guys are fucking abnormal." "hey!" "sorry felix but you are too. only normal one is changbin." "yay." "see look, he's a cutie patootie while you guys are carrying a box of lockpicks everywhere!" "fair point. i back down" "good. wait wheres hyunjin?" "i think he's in his own dorm"

"this bitch."


"HWANG FUCKING HYUNJIN" "AH! THE FUCK?" "whatcha doing?" "you're why we got five noise complaints. in the past month. thats concerning" "answer the question" "what if i do-" "then you have five seconds to survive." "im drawing! please stop making me fear for my life." "eh. pass. what are you drawing?" "you." "me?" "yeah."

"i love you." "i love you too."


"YO MINHOOOO" "GET AWAY FROM ME" "NO" "PLEASE." "get down on y-" "NO. IM NOT DOING THAT. KINKY ASS" "hey you chose me sooo. thats your fault" "i know" "you're stuck with me forever!" jisung smiled and jumped on minho who laughed, "you're so cute" "i know."

"we're still here y'know" "shut the fuck up!" "i just wanted to be alone man." "you too chan" "you guys have eternal beef with me" "thats the first thing you got right" "i just got out of the hospital and now you guys are insulting me. you know what. get out of our dorm" "what?

"yeah. i really need to sleep." "then sleep" "we all know you guys are gonna do goofy shit to me the moment i close my eyes" "dang. you know us too well"


"changbin-hyungg" "yeah?" "i have something for you" "what?" changbin sat up as felix climbed into the bed with him

he pulled out a necklace.

the necklace was half of an hourglass with a dark red heart in the middle, black lining and felix's name engraved into it

"wow.. where'd you get this?" "i got it custom made at a jewelry shop!"

felix pulled out another one with a black heart, red lining and changbin's name engraved on it

"they're matching necklaces." "i can see that." "wowww." "im just kidding i love it. and i love you" "i love you too. lets put them on" "k!"


"hyunjinnn" "yeah? did i do something wrong?" "wow i really fucked you up huh?" "yeah."

"anywayss! no you didnt do something wrong, i have a gift for you" "a gift?" "yeah!" "what is it?"

seungmin opened the door, revealing kkami

"how..?" "i may or may not have gaslit and blackmailed your mother into giving me kkami." "i- yeah no im not suprised." seungmin watched as hyunjin played with kkami with a huge smile on his face

after a few minutes, hyunjin put kkami down and kissed seungmin.

"i love you so fucking much." "me too."


they love eachother but do you know what i love?

my ed. /sar

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