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seungmin and hyunjin rushed to the hospital

"hello! who are you here for?" "yang jeongin!" "he's in that room" the nurse pointed to the room jeongin was in.

when they went in they noticed chan wasnt there, "wait. where's chan" "oh yeah he's.." "what!?" they drew the curtain separating chan and jeongin. chan's condition was much worse.

"what the fuck happened..?" "we dont know.. we have to wait till one of them wakes up" "right on time, jeongin's waking up!" "jeongin! how are you feeling?" "like i got hit with a car. what do ya think? how's chan?" "uh." "what? jisung. if i see my boyfriend in a horrible condition, im freaking out" "then you probably shouldnt see him" "where is he!"

they stepped out of the way letting jeongin see chan

"what the fuck!? im gonna kill whoever was in the car" "jeongin.. did you see who was in the car and what type of car it was" "geez hyunjin you scared me!" "answer the damn question" "the girl in the car had ruby earrings and long black hair. the car was a bmw and black. sorry thats the only thing i saw before blacking o-" hyunjin dashed out of the room and into his car with seungmin running after him

"the hell is wrong with them?"


"hyunjin, it cant be her!" "too late, we're here now" hyunjin knocked on her door

she opened it and was immediately screamed at, "what the fuck is your problem!?" "hold up, i thought you said you were gonna cut contact with me?" "that was until you decided to crash into my friends!" "what? you cant come to my home and accuse me of a crime!" hyunjin scoffed and pointed to her car, "black bmw" he turned back and pointed at her, "ruby earrings, long black hair what other evidence do we need?" "camera footage" "fine."


"where are we gonna get footage?" "i dont know! i'll figure something out!" "hyunjin! stop! look, we can figure something out later. lets just get back to the hospital okay?" hyunjin just nodded and got into the car


"finally! where were you guys? w-" "shut the fuck up! chan's awake!" hyunjin was the first one who ran over to him, "yeah, i've been awake for a long time now" "what? why didnt you say anything" "eh. i could've but i didnt want to" changbin smacked him on the arm, "yah! i just came out from a car crash and you're already abusing me!" "thats what you get!" "hyunjin why did you run out before?" "i think the person driving the car was my mother.." "what!?" "did you see the license plate?" "actually, yes. it was *****" "oh hell no. that was her." "sooo what are gonna do now?"

"im just gonna stay here for a little bit before taking action." "action?" "dont worry about that."


"hey. they found out it was me. clear the footage." "yes ma'am" "isnt it lucky i have a friend like you" "it is. only downside is that we could be locked up at any point" "dont worry about that. we wont be caught. i promise." "if you say so. ah, one of my co workers are inviting me to lunch. gotta go, see you later!" "alright"


"chan hyungg!" "what?" "nothing, just wanted to annoy you" "go annoy jeongin" "he'd kill me if i did." "aish you guys are such a pain in the ass" "hey! whatever. where's hyunjin and seung?" "how would i know? im literally rotting on this bed." "i think they went to handle the car crash problem" "hopefully that lunatic gets into jail." "jeongin. why is it whenever you finally say something it's not good?" "im just like that" "dont be like that." "too bad." "you always say that"

"hey bitches we're back!!" "finally! i was getting bored!" "can you guys shut the fuck up? in case you forgot, i just suffered from a fatal car crash. im litterally dying" "ok ok sorry"

jisung's phone rang, "why are you calling me? where are you guys?" "we need reports from either jeongin or chan. for the police" "police!?" "want her to get into jail or no?" "yeah!"

"hey can one of you walk? hyunjin needs reports for the police" "i can!" "good."

"jeongin can. want me to drive him to the station" "yes. thank youu"

"alright. jeongin get your fucking ass up! were going to the police station" "now!?" "yes! get up!" "finee"

when they arrived at the station, they found out hyunjin's mother was there too, "what are you doing here!?" "im the one getting accused!" "you were the one who crashed into us!" "calm down, you're here to give us your report of what happened. not to tell us who did it"


"alright, tell us."

"me and chan were on the way back to our dorms, to our side, a black bmw was speeding. we thought it wouldnt affect us but she decided to swerve into our direction. we werent the only ones who were hit." "ok.. can you tell us about the car and driver?" "the driver looked just like the woman from before. ruby earrings, long black hair. she was wearing a beige turtle neck with white jeans. the car was a black bmw and the license plate was *****" "got it. thanks for youe report. you can exit with hyunjin and seungmin now"

"jeongin! how was it?" "asking me that like i was on a date. it went good lets go" jeongin took another glance at hyunjin's mother and walked away


"so mrs. hwang. how much will you be paying me again?" "twelve million won."

"maybe you'll need to go higher. after all, i am risking my job for this" "i think that's plenty for backstabbing some fags." "whatever you say." "so deal?"


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