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seungmin's past

"hey seungmin!" "ha joon!" "hey seung im coming over to your house for dinner.. is that okay?" "yea! i'll contact my parents now" "hey dad? can ha joon come over for dinner today?" "no, and i dont want you anywhere near that boy got it?" "what!? why?" "he's friends with some bad people and i heard he was caught vandalizing someone's house!" "what!? he would never! i know him more than you do!" "too bad a no is no whether you believe me or not. and stop hanging out with him ple-" seungmin hung up "ugh, my dad said no sorry.." "are you okay? i heard you yelling.." "its nothing.. see you tommorow!" "okay!"

"hey ha joon!" "hey.. im kinda busy right now so can we talk later?" "okay.. but i dont see how your busy since your just on your phone texting.." "ugh do you have to be so stubborn? just go away!" "okay.."

"hey ha joon can we talk now its really important" "no! jeez how many times do i have to tell you? go away!" "what the fuck ha joon? yesterday you were so sweet to me now.. your so distant who the fuck are you texting to?" "none of your business now just.. go!" "no! does it hurt to put the fucking phone down!? im your friend ha joon. since middle school! why cant we talk? its important! i thought we were supposed to open up to eachother? vent to eachother? why the fuck are you so distant to me all of a sudden!?" "look, im sorry im just going through a hard time right now.. i need time away from people" "well obviously not! i can see you texting someone! and smiling whilst doing so too. ive never once in these 5 hours not caught you free? what or who the fuck is so much more important to what im trying to tell you?!" "your not the only one seungmin!" "no shit but cant you just put the damn phone down for 10 minutes and listen to what im trying to tell you!? also did you vandalize someones home!?" "so what if i did!" "what the fuck ha joon!?"

"what? im not that fucking innocent boy you want seungmin!" "i know you're not but going as far as vandalizing someone's house!? thats fucking illegal ha joon!" "so what? i dont care atleast im not a fucking nerd like you!" "what the fuck!? so being originally smart is now called being a nerd? ugh! your so fucking impossible! i should have believed my dad that you were up to no good" "so thats what you were yelling about? y'know what lets flip this to you! you fucking lied to me!" "okay!? stop acting like you didnt too actually! dont act like our friendship hasnt been torn apart because you wouldnt stop. fucking. lying! does it hurt to tell a simple truth to your best friend?!"

"probably! what the fuck do you know!? you dont even know how to have fun! whenever i invite you to a party, no do you wanna go out? no." "probably because all of those invitations were at night! sue me for not trying to get kidnapped or god knows what! im sorry for being naive alright!" "your so fucking pathetic kim seungmin" "you more than me ha joon im done." "have it your way"


-562 words

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