
49 0 1

7:00 AM

sunshine cafe

tw.. mentions of rape and sex

"baby are you sure you want to meet my mom? shes a fucking bitch and will most likely gaslight you" "im sure dont worry"

"hyunjin! long time no see huh? you didnt even bother calling or visiting?" "as you can see, no, no i did not." "still a disgrace as ever. hey! its nice to meet you im hwang bora" "hi.. im kim seungmin" "oh? your a kim huh? y'know i work with your parents, they are a delight" seungmin didnt know what to say to this "not apealing? okay, let me talk with my son first then i'll get back to you. hyunjin first things off why the fuck didnt you tell me you were gay?" "because you kicked my brother out for being gay. not trying to live on the streets" "that is no way to talk to your mother, ugh whatever, seungmin, does he treat you well?" "yeah.." "you have hesitation in your voice, please tell the truth." "i am though?" "oh! i think you should know.. he once went into a party and almost raped someone.." "what!? i was the one who almost got raped! what the fuck is wrong with you? you know what? fuck you, im done." and with that hyunjin got up and left "pft, dont mind him he's just a baby" "fuck you. i will be telling my parents to cut contact with you. if you ever go near hyunjin again, you'll be returning home with no head on your shoulders" hwang bora was shocked and just watched seungmin chase after hyunjin

hyunjin stopped and a bench and sat down, tears clouding his eyes "jin, are you okay?" "no! who the fuck does she think she is!? she twisted the whole fucking story! she has no feeliings when it comes to me.." "who the fuck cares about her? shes a fucking whore of a mother. cmon lets get back to the dorm alright?" hyunjin just hummed in response and followed seungmin "THERE YOU ARE! WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU FOR AGES DAMN" "not now ji.." "oh, whats wrong?" "personal issues" "oh ok! i'll leave you two alone then, cmon babe lets go"

hyunjin groaned as he sat on his bed and buried his face into his hands, nearly tearing up. well, not until seungmin hugged him did he break down. but lets not talk about how he sobbed for half a hour ;)

they then fell asleep in that posistion - hyunjin's head on seungmin's chest and seungmin resting his head on hyunjin's

"oh my gosh, seung, open this damn door right now before i either, 1. picklock or 2. bust it down, and trust me you do NOT want the second choice" suddenly the door opened revealing an annoyed hyunjin "finally! oh sh- hi!" "what?" "i need to tell seung something so can you give us privacy?" "k"

"seung!" "why the fuck are you limping?" "so. i may or may not have gotten fucked yesterday" "already!? you've only been dating for a week!" "so about that. 3 weeks" "when the fuck?" "yea we waited till one of you guys were dating. dont yell at me! it was all minho's idea!" "3 weeks still isnt an excuse though. was that all you wanted to tell me?" "kinda of. im probably gonna skip class today bc it hurts too much" "what the fuck did you do to turn him on so bad?" "yk how i was flirting with jeongin the other day? yeah, so that made him mad. and i cant control myself when he's mad y'know?" "no. no i dont know. why did you feel the need to tell me this"

"just giving you a way to get relentlessly fucked by hyunjin." "bitch if you dont get your motherfucking ass out of the damn room right fucking now, i swear on my mom's life you will regret it" "why?" "3." "okay okay!"

hyunjin saw jisung sprinting off and went back in the room, "why did jisung just run like there was a madman about to kill him?" "because there was" "what did he do now?" "uhm. something i cannot tell you by any means what so ever." hyunjin playfully rolled his eyes and planted a soft kiss on seungmin's lips

"luckily we have no classes today. oh shit." "what?" "today's the day of the dance show rehearsal pup! we didnt even work on the song yet. or choreo. we need the song first lets go" "huh!? where to?" "you'll see"

a few minutes of walking, they finally reached a special studio made just for hyunjin

"what is this place?" "i bribed the principal to make this for me. its a recording studio where you and i will be making our song" "damn how much did you pay her for this?" "a few thousand" "damn." "lets get started on our song" "what's it called?"

"a god's love never waivers"

813 words

i am NOT writing lyrics for this so dont expect a song in the show.

yes i made this up myself

pup | seungjinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon