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"kim seungmin!" "what. why are you using my full name? is someone dead? did i do something wrong?" "no. but i heard stuff from your door last night" "oh." "care to explain?" "no." "then i'll ask hyunjin" "then you'll be six feet under." "ok. ok geez. did you guys make your outfits yet? ji told me today was your dress rehearsal" "yeah" "where are they?" "none of your business" "wow. anyways, whatcha gonna do until rehearsal?" "i dont know" "you should make out with hyu-" "finish that sentence and im leaving you." "whatever" "what are you and chan gonna do today?" "fuck" "ok.. im just gonna go now.."


"hwang hyunjin." "huh? why are you calling me by my full name? what did i do now?" "nothing. just wanted to mess with you" "keep doing that and i'll also mess with you" "really? how?" "last night" "please dont. ill stop messing with you" "wanna get extra practice in?" "sure! lets go"



they got changed and went back down. turns out people really like to get there in time

when they walked in all attention was turned to them

"kim seungmin you son of a bitch you kept this from me!?" "yeah." "why!?" "why do you think?" "good point"

"you guys done talking over there? put in wireless headphones and start your dance with the music. nice outfits all of you. especially you guys" he pointed at hyunjin and seungmin

"thanks" "no problem now get working everyone! and if you dont have wireless headphones, thats too bad i only have two spares"

"we were not told to bring those." "i bring them everywhere so here" "dont you need a pair too?" "no. i have it memorized. plus i can tell by your movements" "you must be inlove with dancing" "i am" "doesnt explain why you have low stamina" "i have high stamina i just hate using it" "oh? then prove it. lets dance for two hours straight and see if you're lying"

"wow, shocker one hour in and you're not complaining" "you're so mean." "you still love me though" "yeah, i do"

-- (in the dorm room w/o the outfits)

"i cant believe it! you went through two hours without yelling!" "your sarcasm is horrible" "like how you're horrible at not complaining" "hey! i went through that without complaining!" "thats the first" "wow. sometimes i wonder why i love you" "ha. you're stuck with me forever" "atleast be nice to me or something." "why? do you want a reward?" "yeah" "fine"

seungmin gave him a kiss on the cheek, "thats it?" "you're not getting anything more" "why~" "fine"

seungmin pushed hyunjin onto the bed and straddled him, "woah. whats this?" seungmin raised an eyebrow, "i thought you wanted more?" "i do"

imagine a make out session bc im not in the mood for that.


"seung!" "hi felixx" "i need a favor." "what is it?" "so. i wanna give changbin a gift but i dont really know what he likes" "what does this have to do with me?" "ask hyunjin about it!" "why not the others?" "they're on dates on shit." "fine." "yay! i love you"

"hey hyunjin." "yeah" "do you know what changbin likes?" "why?" "answer the damn question" "i do" "what does he like?" "why are you asking me this?" "for felix" "ok.. if felix wants to get him a gift then get him dark things. he likes those" "anything else?" "uhm. he likes to collect things." "not sure if that's gonna help but thanks"

"lix." "hi!" "so hyunjin told me he likes dark objects. and to collect things? not sure how thats gonna help" "thank you!" "no problem. why are you giving him a gift anyway?" "i just wanted to." "huh. i should get a gift for hyunjin. do me a favor and ask changbin what he likes." "ok!"

"changbin hyungg~" "yeah?" "do you know what hyunjin likes? im asking for seungmin" "i dont know?? he likes dogs i guess" "how the fuck do you not know." "i dont know" "you are so weird" "thanks"


"so. he just said he liked dogs. he doesnt know anything else" "how?" "thats what i asked! he said he didnt know to that too!" "the fuck?" "i knoww" "thanks though." "no problem!"


when seungmin walked back into his dorm, he saw hyunjin sitting on his bed, glasses on and messy hair reading a book. tbh seungmin did not have very good thoughts going through his head while he locked the door

"why is your hair messy..?" "i fell asleep on my desk and got too lazy to fix it" "but you werent so lazy to read a book?" "exactly" "that doesnt even make se- whatever. what are you reading?" "looks." "huh? what type of book is that?" "looks can be decieving" "i feel like that's directed towards me." "its not." "is it sad?" "i dont know. i just started reading it" suddenly seungmin's phone started ringing

"ye-" "SEUNGMIN!" seungmin winced and pulled the phone away from his ear, "what!?"



im running out of ideass

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