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side's confessions and how it went


"hey ji?" "yeah?" "straight off the bat, i have feelings for you. or in other words, i love you be my boyfriend" "YES!" jisung basically pound on minho and crashed his lips on his "goddamn jisung fuck you almost broke my lips.. still the best kiss though" "obviously" "so? were official now?" "duh if you didnt notic how eager i was to kiss you, then your the definition of blind as hell" "ugh rude!" "ha! wait let me tell the gc first.. there, lets make out now" "gladly"


"oh my god today was ass dont you agree bin?" "y'know what would make it better?" "what?" "if you were mine" "is this your way of asking me out?" "yeah" "then yes, corny way to ask for a boyfriend huh?" "idc all i care about is that your mine now" and with that, he pulled felix into a soft and passionate kiss


"hey chan?" "hmm?" "be mine?" "jeongin im not in the mood for your jokes today" "who said i was joking?" "w-what?" "i want you to be mines. scratch i want to be yours" "then yes" chan quickly dropped his book and grabbed jeongin into a soft kiss "we should fuck" "now!?" "i mean, if you want" "nah im good lets just cuddle instead" "deal."

218 words

"why is it so shor-" you try thinking of four different ways for people to confess and what they say after

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