Part 26

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"come on asp wake up" I hear Nico saying, I groan and open my eyes a little, my head is laid in his lap and he's stroking my cheek lightly, I'm about to smile but I remember what happened, my mom just told me I have a brother and then the room went blurry and now I'm laid on the floor with my head on Nico's lap.

"I fainted?" I ask embarrassed feeling like a schoolgirl.

"yeah, it's a lot to take in," Nico says slowly helping me up and sitting me on a stool while his mom was comforting my mom.

"so I have a brother?" I ask stunned.

"yes, she is called Laura and her son, your brother is called Jason, he is 15 years old and I invited them over for coffee tomorrow"

"you invited them over?" I ask taking a sip from the bottle of water Nico handed me.

"she was wronged by him too, he told her that he would leave us for her he would visit her and he told her he bought the house, then he left us for that other woman and left them and they didn't even know until the letter telling them I had taken over ownership of the house they rented landed in her mailbox, that dirty bastard didn't even tell his mistress."

"This is insane" Nico says placing his hand on my shoulder.

"You are telling me," I say sipping more water.

"you boys go, think everything over and Aspen you don't have to meet them if you don't want to but think about it okay?" Mom says as Teresa pushes a cup into her hands with a small smile.

Nico wastes no time in ushering me back to my bedroom, by now I'm pretty numb with everything I just heard so I flop down onto my bed and he wraps me in his arms.

"it will all be okay" he whispers kissing my neck and holding me so tight I can feel his calm heart beating on my back.

"thank you" I whisper back holding in a sob.

"do you want to meet them?" he asks gently taking my hand and squeezing it.

"I think so, I think I should be there to support my mum, I think I should be there to see the son my dad wanted, the one he would go to soccer games for, the one he would tuck into bed at night, the one he would tell he loved and hold close when he had a nightmare," I say seething with resentment that he was always busy working or away on trips, although I guess those trips were mostly seeing her and not working, however, it means they were more important to him that me and my mom ever were.

"you don't know if any of those things are true, maybe he did none of those things, maybe he was the dad that never attended parents' evenings, maybe he was the dad that forgot birthdays, maybe he was the dad that thought writing checks to schools to bribe a way in was better than helping to fill in the forms, you don't know, and you won't know until you meet them."

"Maybe that's true, I guess we will find out tomorrow," I say squeezing his hand and being thankful for the support.

"For tonight let us put on a movie and try to relax okay?" he says soothingly as he slowly lets go.

"Okay," I say turning to sit on my bed so I can see the TV.

"let's take a lovely warm shower together to wash off all the lube from before then we can lay in bed and watch a movie of your choice okay?"

"on one condition" I say knowing all of my mischief is showing on my face.

"And what is that condition?" he says with a smirk creeping across his face.

"we watch The Nightmare Before Christmas and you wear my robe."

"the robe from the most Awkward rewatch of Riverdale ever" his grin cracks wide.

"that's the one," I say with a wink.

"Okay deal now let's get washed." He says ushering me into the bathroom.

"Always eager to get my clothes off" I laugh as I pull my shirt off.

"With a view like this do you blame me?" he says nibbling his lip in a corny way that sets me off laughing. He strips quickly stepping around me to turn the shower on before pulling me closer to him to unfasten my jeans and strip me from them, in the rush to go downstairs I didn't put pants or socks on so his job of getting me naked was easy, he places a hand on the back of my neck and kisses my temple before taking my hand and pulling me with him into the warm water, the shower was not sexual it was tender, he washed out my hair soaped my skin and rinsed me before quickly washing and turning the water off wrapping me in a fluffy warm towel. Within a couple of minutes, I am bundled into comfy clothes and under my blanket with the TV remote and a tall and handsome man in a robe way too small for him holding me in his arms.

"Your pick princess" he says kissing my head.

"Again, with the princess?" I ask burying my head on his chest.

"When it stops embarrassing you I will stop doing it princess" he says kissing my head.

"Okay let's just watch a movie," I say with a groan. I load up the movie I have always loved and found comforting.

"Nightmare before Christmas?" Nico asks with a slight grin,

"Yeah, problem?" I ask sarcastically.

"Not at all but it seems someone has been holding out a darker streak on me." He says with a smile kissing my cheek and pulling the covers up over our legs.

"Well maybe, I have always had a soft stop for a Tim Burton movie but it's not like I walk around at night asking for vampires to bite me or anything" I say with a chuckle which quickly turns into a startled noise when Nico launches at me nibbling on my neck.

"You didn't seem to complain," he says as he settles back next to me looking amused.

I can't formulate words in response my mouth has gone dry, and my throat seems paralysed, so I just sit there open-eyed and stunned.

"Did someone like that a little too much?" he asks with raised eyebrows, and I feel the blush rushing to my cheeks.

"Shut up let's just watch the movie" I manage to croak out as I hit play hearing the intro music start and flooding me with nostalgia.

"Okay, but we will revisit this conversation." He says with a flirty undertone as he gets comfy putting his arm around me and letting me lay my head on him.

It took me by surprise that when the first song kicked in Nico was singing along the timber of his voice vibrating against the side of my face soothingly.

It was so relaxing in fact that less than half an hour into the movie my eyes began to feel heavy and I was being pulled into sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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