Part 12

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 I stood in rapt awe as Nico finished his final set. I never thought I'd be into metal and 80's inspired rock but I was blown away.The whole band were fantastic but the way he moved on stage and how his voice quickly changed from high to low tones sent shivers down my spine, especially when he hit the super low notes that reverberated in my chest.

I can see him smiling down at me, the sweat running from his face and I blush bright red.As they make their way off stage so the next band can set up, I order a round of drinks to be taken backstage for them, the special lanyard Nico got for me granting access past the imposingly large stage hand.

"Guys you were amazing!" I shout over the noise backstage 

"I brought everyone a shot, I hope you don't mind, it's peach schnapps!"

They all pick up a glass and we clink them together before downing them.Paulie put his glass down and looking straight at me said,

 "A drink almost as sweet as the man delivering it."I blush at the compliment and think I see something flash in Nico's eyes before he laughs it off with the others.

"Alright let's get out of here before the next band starts" Nico suddenly announces. 

"What we're not staying to watch them?" I ask surprised. 

"Nah we never hang around after, that way we can't be accused of stealing other bands' sets."I didn't even realise that was a thing that happened, but we made our way out the back, putting all the gear in Paulie's cousin's ridiculously small van, before Nico grabbed me by the hand, leading me to the beach with the rest of the guys.

Paulie had gotten a cooler and small disposable BBQ from the back of the van and when I asked if his cousin was joining us, he told me that his cousin wanted to watch all the bands and would meet up after.After lighting the BBQ and letting it burn down for a while, hotdogs were thrown on and beers handed out, I declined since I would be driving.I was finding the guys to be good company and felt more at ease with them than with any of the usual social groups I'd been involved with.

"Ohhh a guy who gets the whole dog in his mouth, my kinda guy" jokes Paulie.I almost choke with laughter and again think I see something in Nico's eyes before he starts laughing too. 

"Of course, you'd notice that Paulie" I eventually quip back.The laughing and joking continue for a while till a woman approaches and Nico intercepts her.Paulie takes the opportunity to come over and start talking to me one on one, while the other two start seeing who can down a bottle of beer fastest. 

"So, how long have you known our Nico?""Properly? Like two days, though we've been neighbours for about a year and a half."Paulie's eyebrow raises at this 

"Only two days and he's already calling you his friend and inviting you to a gig? You must be something special, it took months before he acknowledged any of us as more than band mates."

This brings a smile and small blush to my face, 

"You're joking, right? I mean you guys are so cool and easy to talk to! plus our moms started a business together and I think they had a hand in it"

"Well, I think the fact I had a crush on him didn't help" Paulie admits 

"but we're past that now, he's more like a brother to me. You, on the other hand, my delectable Lil cutie" with that he pinches my butt playfully.

Just as I yelp, I see Nico throwing his hands up in frustration at the woman, and he stalks over, a definite look of annoyance in his eyes, though I can't tell if it's because of the woman or that he saw Paulie pinch my butt.

Only Gay For You. (Book one of the Midnight In Rome series)Where stories live. Discover now