Part 10

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"Holy fucking shit! I gasp in my own head as hit towel hits the floor and I see the whole of his evenly tanned ass, guess he had been using that nudist beach.

"Sorry, he mumbles as he bends carefully to collect it".

His cheeks spread slightly, making my mouth water, 

"Uh, it's okay... just uh... I think I have seen far too much of you considering I have known you two days" I manage to stumble out around the drool and high temperature I currently spiked,

"Oh? It's only flesh, we all have it and I'm not shy about it. Sorry if I've made you uncomfortable though."

"I wouldn't say uncomfortable" I stumble before realising what I'm saying.

He lets forth another delicious chuckle before throwing a pair of black skinny jeans and a Black Sabbath T-shirt my way. 

"There put those on, then we'll accessories and put a little makeup on you"

"Uh okay but... where does my junk go in these," I say holding them up and examining them.

"Oh yeah, here" he throws me a pair of black boxers from his draw.

"I wasn't meaning lack of underwear I was meaning lack of fabric" I chuckle,

"Oh well if you want to go commando give them back," he says with a smirk and wink. 

"No I'm good thanks but these jeans are not gonna hide shit," I say and shuffle into the bathroom with the new pile of clothes,

"Think of them like your tiny whities, they keep everything pushed down. It's a lifesaver when the blood starts pumping"

"yeah well right now the only things they are pushing down are my hopes and dreams, if I get hard in these I will take someone's eye out," I say walking back into his bedroom wearing the clothes he handed me.

I see his eyes briefly flicker to my crotch, before he smirks again "don't worry, if you get excited, they'll make sure it points down, not up"

"you seem an awful lot more confident about that than I am," I say back knowing full well if I get hard in these nothing will keep it down, I am well aware I am above average but Nico must not have noticed that in the ocean.

"Right accessories," he says, turning to his desk and opening a box on it. He rummages for a few minutes then turns back to me holding a selection of pendants, rings and cuffs.

"oh, I see I'm going like ken dolls emo cousin, bet you have a belt collection too right?" I say it jokingly but I see something dangerous swirl in his eyes.

"I have a few" he chuckles.He picks out a pewter bird skull pendant, a red gem and black ring and a pentagram cuff. He then tosses me a studded belt and a bike chain to sit through the belt loops.

uh... where the hell does all this go? I say holding up the mass of chains belts etc.

"Here let me help" he takes them from my hand, first threading the belt through the loops around my waist, then hooking the chain through 2 loops on my right-hand side, so it hangs down level with my knee. I feel myself hardening at his proximity to me and am amazed that he was right, it was keeping me pushed down, and the jeans were too tight for it to push up.

I take deep breaths to try and stop my cock from swelling further as he starts fastening other accessories. Worst of all he's knelt in front of me attaching them all, there's no way he's not seen it stirring, I look up at the ceiling desperately trying to distract from the situation.

Only Gay For You. (Book one of the Midnight In Rome series)Where stories live. Discover now