Part 21

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"Hold still or your eyeliner will be all smudged," I say with a smile.

"Will this happen every time we are going to anything band-related" he sighs closing his eyes and doing his best to stay still.

"Not if you don't want to but you look so cute when you sit for me to do your makeup," I say continuing the linework very glad his eyes are closed so he misses my blush.

"Then it is worth sitting here if you think I am cute." He says and I find myself having to take deep breaths.

"All done," I say watching him slowly open his eyes and holding a mirror up.

"If you ever give up music you could start as a makeup artist," he says with a giggle.

"I don't think there is any chance of that but thank you for the compliment," I say with a smile as I observe the full picture of my handiwork, he was wearing a pair of dark ripped jeans, a black shirt, and an acid wash hoodie with our band's name on, I had ordered the jeans and shirt online specifically for him.

I had gone for acid wash jeans and our bands' black t-shirt. My makeup was heavier around the eyes than asps and my hair was gelled into a bed head style.

"We better get a move on Mr driver, or they will think we are not coming."

"You did take a while making your lady friend leave," he says with a coy smile.

"Well, I had to make sure she left happy," I say with a smirk of my own.

Asp gets up grabbing his mum's car keys from my bedside table, we realize mum had left them with his house keys this morning meaning we could use the car.

"Hurry up then passenger princess," he says walking out of my bedroom and I chuckle while following him.

I hop in the car and click my seatbelt in as asp starts the engine, the drive was quick, and we drive in comfortable silence, pulling up at the gig I steal a quick kiss to his hand careful not to leave any lip colour on him before running straight into a chorus of cheers from the other members.

"Took your time," Nathan says slapping my back.

"What can I say she was worth the extra time, besides I had to go get Aspen and help with his appearance". It's at this moment Asp graces us with his appearance and another chorus of cheers erupt, and a few wolf whistles I suspect from Paulie.

"And just when I thought you could not get any hotter," Paulie says from behind me closing the space between Aspen and me.

"I even have the bands name on me," Aspen says with a grin.

I can't contain the Jealousy rushing through me, but I do my best to cover it as I go over to distract myself by checking my guitar, I hear them talking but I pluck the strings making sure its in a tune so I can't hear the details.

"Everything okay there?" Andy says placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Of course, just checking my baby," I say with a smile.

"Paulie seems quite taken with Aspen," Andy says.

"For this week at least," I say looking back at my guitar.

"or until he finds out he is straight," Andy says and I glance back up at him meeting his eyes, something passes between us, and Andys' eyes practically touch his hairline but we are interrupted by Nathan hopping up on the stage and taking his place ready to get started, one glance tells me Paulie has pulled a chair up for asp to sit on and is making his way to the stage too.

Over the next hour, we play some of our songs, some covers, and some slightly silly versions of songs, asp laughs and smiles and sings along quietly to the ones he knows surprisingly he sings along to a couple of our songs which tells me he has been listening to our music online which makes my heart race with joy, by the time we are done and packing away our instruments Andy had managed to steal Asp away for an opinion on something I didn't take the time to interrupt and Paulie and Nathan were messing around with drumsticks when the door swings open and closes, my blood runs cold when I look up into the last eyes I wanted to see, I put my baby down and walk towards her ready to spit fire in rage when she takes my arm and leads me to the other side of the room.

"What the fuck do you want?" I spit as soon as we are out of hearing range.

"Nico please, don't be like, I saw the doctor today, I didn't want to tell you over the phone."

"And?" I ask trying to keep my tone level.

"False alarm, I'm not pregnant, I am so sorry I scared you like that," she says tearing up and handing me a piece of paper that proves the test was positive.

"Your certain?" I ask making sure.

"Yes, I would have been a few months at least by now." She says trying not to meet my eyes.

"Good, get out and I don't ever want to speak to you again, I won't stop you watching our live shows but if I ever see you at another practice or talking to myself or any of your band members I will publish the screenshots of our messages where you called me every name under the sun and tried to pregnancy trap me, I will also tell your mum about the drugs you do at my shows, am I clear?" I say far calmer than I started the conversation. She rushes from the building from the same door she entered sobbing, and I grip the paper taking a few steadying breaths.

"Everything okay?" Aspen says startling me slightly, but I look where I am standing and grab his hand and pull him behind the stack of chairs piled at the back of the hall pushing him against the wall and devouring his lips ferociously.

He comes up for air panting and slightly red-faced with my lip colour smeared all over him.

"she's not pregnant" I blurted with a huge grin handing him the paper. He takes a minute to read it before matching my grin.

"Congratulations, not a daddy," he says taking the piss and I can't help but claim his lips again.

"Okay I need to breath," he says when I let him come up for air again.

"Breathing is the least of our worries, how are we going to get out of here without the rest of the band seeing that we have exchanged lip products," I say with a grin.

"I saw nothing, I see nothing but Paulie has gone to the bathroom and Nathan is currently talking to the red-haired bar staff so I suggest you go out the back door and I will make your excuses," Andy says from somewhere at the other side of the chairs, I'm not sure If I should laugh or panic, but either way I don't waste any time, I take Nico's hand and drag him towards the back door.

"Thanks, Andy I owe you one" I shout back over my shoulder as we rush over to the car. 

Only Gay For You. (Book one of the Midnight In Rome series)Where stories live. Discover now