Take care of you

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Travis was using his small break in schedule to come support Taylor in Europe. Official training would start soon but he hoped to support her as much as he could before that. It was always a good show. He still got a kick out of the karma  lyric change she did. 

He didn't think much of it as she stubbled in her run off stage to give him a kiss, the way she always did. And he didn't think much of it as she was near silent on the car ride to their hotel, she has just done multiple shows without a break. It's normal to be a bit subdued. But Its nothing a few  rest days wouldn't fix. 

But he noticed it now. In their hotel room. She had just showered and removed her stage makeup . He looks down at her, his eyes filled with concern, as she tiredly dries and combed her hair.  her usually glowy  complexion pale and dull. She had some dark circles that she didn't normally have. She could barely stand upright. She looked like she lost some weight too. It was a obvious to Travis. 

It showed on her.  She wasn't sleeping well, not eating enough, and likely not keeping hydrated. It was clear to Travis that she was pushing herself too hard, and he'd had enough. Not taking care of herself the way she should, especially while on tour. It's a miracle she's managed to keep up her energy, let alone write and record those new songs. But he can't help but feel like she's overworking herself . He wishes she could just relax, take it easy for a while. he can't stand the thought of her burning herself out.  It was obvious that she was burning the candle at both ends, and Travis was determined to help her find a better balance.

"Baby, please," he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. "Just let me take care of you tonight."

Travis slides his strong, muscular arms beneath Taylor's slender form, lifting her up so that she's nestled against his chest. He carries her over to the bed, his heart aching as he sees the dark circles under her eyes. Gently, he lays her down on the soft, cool sheets, pulling the blanket up to her chin. He reaches over to the bedside table and grabs a glass of water and a packet of liquid iv, he'd recently gotten her hooked on. Water isn't enough when you're sweating and dehydrated. He mixed the electrolyte drink and handed it to her .

"Drink this," he says softly, stroking her hair back from her forehead. "You need to hydrate. And then maybe we can order some room service, something yummy? I hear they have good steak"  

Taylor nods weakly. She takes a sip, feeling the cool liquid flow down her throat. It's the first time in days that she's really tasted anything. "Thank you," she whispers.

Travis smiles, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. "You're welcome, sweetheart. I just wish you'd take better care of yourself. I don't want you to burn out." He sighs, running a hand through his growing buzz cut . "I know it's hard, being on tour  like that, I'm sure there's a million things going on, but you can't keep pushing yourself like this."

Taylor sighs, her eyes drifting closed. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, it happens a lot. I  just I get carried away. touring throws my whole body off, I'm in a constant state of either jet leg or adrenaline"

" well not tending to your other needs isn't gonna help matters. You gotta put the phone away and sleep at night. make sure you're getting enough protein, and hydrating properly. You're gonna feel like shit if you keep neglecting your own needs" he says gently, he tried not to sound condescending. He was sure she knew this 

"I know. I know. There's a lot of pressure though.  I just  don't want to let anyone down. I want to give them the best show possible. These people fought so hard to get tickets and some of them traveled long distances. I'm used to ignoring my body , reality of life on tour at times. I'm going on stage no matter what because I love this, I love being able to give people an escape for one night" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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