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     Finally Friday.

     Jessica had a date tonight, and Avalon said she had homework to do, so the sleepover wasn’t cancelled, but it didn’t seem to be happening either.

     Charlie left work and made her way back to her apartment.  It was late, about 10.  Her mom would be at work, Brad would either go to her club or to another bar.  Charlie relaxed and took her time.  The rain was only a mist, and she didn’t mind the cool moisture on her face.  She went up the stairs, pulling her keys out of her jacket pocket. 

     It had been a good day, peaceful.  She’d gone to school, went to work.  She opened the door, her book bag falling off her shoulder onto the ground by her closet door.  She stuffed her keys back in her pocket and pulled off her jacket, hanging it on the hook by the door.  She tossed her purse on the floor of her closet and went over to her dresser, pulling out her pj’s.  They were cute and comfortable, blue and lavender plaid with a blue tee shirt to match.  She left her bra on.  The shirt is somewhat see through and she didn’t want Brad to see her in the morning before she got dressed. 

     She went in the bathroom, brushing out her long, dark hair and folding and twisting it into a pony-bun.  She washed her face and bushed her teeth.  She turned on the TV and sat on her sofa, relaxing into the comfortable red cushions. 

     The door violently swung open.  And there, in the doorway, soaking wet, was Brad.  His eyes were bloodshot and he reeked of alcohol.  Charlie froze, hoping that if she didn’t make any sudden movement, he wouldn’t care about her, but it was too late. 

He’d seen her.

      He licked his lips hungrily, “I was hoping you’d be here” he said with a sickening grin on his face, swinging the door shut hard, and coming towards her.  Charlie jumped up, backing away.  She didn’t say anything, words only provoke him. 

“Come here” he said. She didn’t move. 

“I said, come here.” He said more forcefully, she shook her head.  He wasn’t going to have that.  The room is small, and he got to her before she could squeeze herself between the sofa and her dresser.  He grabbed her arm, holding on tight, bringing tears to Charlie’s eyes, as he jerked her towards him. 

Another bruise she’d have to hide. 

“I need a punching bag, and you know you’re my favorite” he said, smiling at her as if he’d given her some great compliment.

     Charlie was shaking.  She knew what was coming but she couldn’t escape.  His grip was too tight.  She struggled anyway, throwing up her free arm to block a punch aimed towards her face.  He struck her over and over, mostly in the ribs and stomach, a few kicks to the shins.  She blocked as many as she could, but her arm was sore and the blocks were starting to hurt more than the punches.

     She was too scared to cry, too busy to break down.  The grip on her right arm was getting tighter and tighter and she thought for sure that at any moment it would snap.  She’d managed to block all the punches aimed at her face, but he didn’t like that. He picked up an empty vase smashing it against her defensive arm.  Most of the glass fell at their feet, but one managed to slice across Charlie’s cheek.  Brad loves marring her perfection, making her face no longer flawless.  He smiled to himself, taking another punch at her stomach. 

     Charlie doubled over, causing his grip to loosen slightly.  She got her arm out of his grip and now that she had her right arm, she could swing.  She smashed the heel of her hand into his nose.  He cried out in pain and she ran.  She jerked her jacket off the hook as she sprinted out the door, down the steps and across the parking lot.  It only took him a few seconds to pull himself together and come after her.  His nose was broken, but he was too drunk to feel the pain.  He sprinted after her.  She had a head start and she was fast, but he wasn’t giving up.  She jerked her cell out of her jacket pocket, pressing redial.  She didn’t care who it was, she needed help.

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