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He reached up, touching her gently.  She winced.  “Kayla’s waiting for me” she said.  His eyebrows narrowed.  He shoved her against the counter, pressing his hips hard into hers.  Charlie breathed, trying not to let on that pleasure was pulsing through her body. She’d never admit it, but she loves it when he does this.  “I’m not letting you go till you tell me what happened” he can be so stubborn, and he knows how to get what he wants.  “We’re going to be here for a long time.” She said, stubbornly.  “That’s fine with me” he said, grinding into her a little harder.  He watched her lip tremble, as her mouth dropped slightly, searching for air.  “Fine, I’ll answer you” she groaned slightly.  It was Logan’s turn to gasp for air, but he was much more nonchalant, as the pleasure rushed through his body, his face stayed calm, and demanded an answer from her.

“But you have to answer me too” she said


“Earlier, Mike sent you a-“

“Answer me first” he said, reaching up to touch the bruise again.  Charlie was surprised, Logan had never demanded anything from her before.  She bit her lip, hesitating, not really wanting to answer.  Logan licked his lips, trying to remain calm.  That simple act, the simple bite to her lower lip turns him on more than anything.

“He hit me.  He punched me” she answered.  His eyes flew from her lips to her eyes, and she watched those beautiful blue eyes flash,

“LOGAN!” Ben yelled from the living room.  What could he do? Knowing that douche hits her, he wants to pummel his ass into the ground, but he knew that wouldn’t help anything. 

“You need to tell somebody Charlie” “I can’t, and you can’t either.” She said.  He’d heard her say that before, his shoulders tensed hearing it again. 

“You know I don’t like that.” And Charlie’s heart pounded at the raspyness to his voice and her teeth sunk into her lip again,  

“LOGAN!” Ben yelled again.   “So fucking hot” he said, his eyes focused back on her sexy lips, “What?” “SFH. From the message.  It stands for so fucking hot.” He told her, and he turned away, leaving the kitchen. 

Charlie couldn’t breathe.  He knew.  He knew she’d seen the message.  Mike didn’t’ think she was hideous, or hellacious.  He thought she was hot.  Suddenly Charlie wasn’t so sure she was relieved.

  Charlie knew she should get upstairs or Kayla would have even more questions for her, but she noticed package from the Photo Hut, with Logan’s name on it, and she was curious.  She smiled as she glanced through the photos, Logan, Ben, and three of their friends, Derek, Kyle and Hunter had gone to the beach for a week this summer, and these were the photos.  Charlie couldn’t help but think to the conversation with Jessica earlier about the calendar.  If these 5 boys made a calendar, they’d make enough money in an hour to have 2 proms.

She set the pictures back on the counter and went up the stairs.  Kayla was laying on her bed when Charlie went in her room, tossing her duffel to the side, “What took you so- OH my god! What happened?!” she asked, jumping up, tossing her magazine to the side.  “It’s nothing.  Don't worry about it.” “Don’t’ worry about it?! Charlie, he HITS you! You have to do something! How bad does it hurt?” she asked.  “It doesn’t, I’m fine.” Charlie lied.  Kayla didn’t’ want to let it go, but she knew Charlie wanted her to, so she took her drink and sat back down on her bed. 

They heard the doorbell.  Kayla sighed “I wish they’d just walk in, like you do” she said.  “They don’t’ know you like I do” Charlie said, with a smile.  “Will you intercom Lo, ask him to let them in?” she asked.  “Why me?” “He listens to you” She said, with an eye roll.  Charlie shook her head, and got up, pressing the button for the living room, “Logan, will you answer the door, PLEASE”

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