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     She reached out, unlocking it, and swinging it open. 

Jackson was on the other side.  He smiled at her, but it wasn’t a particularly friendly smile, then he reached out, and pushed her into the bathroom. 

He closed the door, turning the lock.  There was no where for Charlie to go, she backed as far away from him as possible, running into the sink.  He was still smiling, he came towards her, and Charlie didn’t have time to move, time to think. 

He shoved his hips against hers, pressing her into the sink, hard, the way that Logan does to the countertop when they are both being stubborn and he wants answers from her.  But this was different.  This wasn’t Logan. 

     When Logan pins her, he rolls his hips gently, sending pleasure through her body, making her weak in the knees, making her mind so scattered that she’ll do anything he asks of her, which is only things she would have done anyway, after putting up a little stubborn fight.  He knows how to pin her, so that she’s leaning, just right, and the counter doesn’t dig into her skin, his body lines up, perfectly, so that his crotch rubs hers, he knows how to make her feel good.

  But this wasn’t Logan.

This was painful, and terrifying.  She felt 15 again, but this was worse. 

He wasn’t drunk. Possibly a little high, but not drunk.  He knew what he was doing, and he was doing it on purpose.  He had her pinned roughly against the sink, the edge of the counter digging into her lower bag, painfully, she could feel his bulging erection through his pants pressed into her, he had one thing on his mind, as he thrust his hips against hers, making her body move against the countertop, making it cut her skin deeper. 

She put her hands on his chest, and she was pushing, but it was hopeless, she wasn’t strong enough to make him budge, and if she screamed, who would help her?

  He had grabbed her hair, and pulled, forcing her head to lean to the side, and he was sucking and biting at her neck.  She was begging him to stop, pleading with him, “Please! Stop! You’re hurting me!” she cried, as tears came to her eyes as his teeth sunk into her soft, untouched skin.

  Charlie had been beaten on multiple occasions. Punched in the gut, in the face, her arms had been covered in defensive wounds, her hair pulled, her face bloody and bruised, but nothing hurt like this.  Nothing could be compared to his teeth ripping at her skin.  She got all the strength she could, she had to get away.  She pulled her leg back, and with as much force as she could, she slammed her knee into his crotch, straight into his throbbing erection.  He cried out in pain and she made her escape, unlocking the door and running, weaving quickly through the people, fighting off the tears. 

She couldn’t get through his friends to the kitchen door, she was aware of that,  She cut through a few couples making out, and unchained the front door, scared to look behind her, in case he was on her trail.  She closed the door quickly behind her and sprinted, so glad she was wearing her converse.

  It had started raining, pouring really, but she didn’t’ care, she had to get away.   She ran about 4 blocks, before she finally got the courage to glance over her shoulder.

  He wasn’t behind her.  Tears streaming down her cheeks, she stopped running, pulling her phone out of her jacket pocket, she tried Kayla again, but nothing.

She had one option left, and she really hoped he’d answer.

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