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Charlie didn’t’ want to answer that. 

She squeezed her eyes shut, and her silence made Logan want to hurl.

 “Define hurt.” She finally said.  Did he rape her? No.  Would there be permanent damage? No. 

Logan’s stomach flipped.  “Define Hurt? What the-“ he started, but he stopped, taking a deep breath.  “When we get out of this car, out of the dark, and I look at you, are there going to be any scars, bruises or other reminders of what he did to you?” he asked.

  A tear slid down Charlie’s cheek, but he didn’t see it, as he pulled into the driveway, throwing the car into park.  “yes.” She whispered. 

Logan squeezed his eyes shut.  “Charlie” He whispered.

  He grabbed his keys and got out of the car.  Slowly she followed him, into the house.  He had disappeared.  She squeezed her eyes shut to stop the new wave of tears that were forming, and pushed them to the side, taking a deep breath and opening the fridge, to pull out a water bottle.  She turned back around, and he came back in, his hand shoving thru his sexy, disheveled curls. 

Charlie bit her lip a little.  She wants so badly to tangle her fingers in that hair.  To lay beneath him, as he kisses her, every inch of her. He was close to her now.  He reached up, tilting her chin a little, wiping his thumb across the running mascara to make it stop, then he reached down to touch her swollen lip.  He wanted so badly to kiss it, until it was better. 

He studied her face for a minute looking for scratches or bruises that weren’t there when she’d left.  “Show me” he forced out, practically a whisper. 

“Logan-“ She started to protest softly, but the look in his eyes made her stop. 

His eyes widened as she reached down to the hem of her shirt, and started to lift.  He was mostly afraid of what he was going to see, what had happened to her, but a small part of him was sending out a small prayer that she would pull the shirt completely over her head. 

She didn’t.

  She lifted it up to her waist, letting his eyes focus in on her tan, toned, thin waist, her flat abs, the curve of her hip.  But before he could have a chance to enjoy the view, his eyes zeroed in on the hand shaped bruise on her side.  He inhaled sharply, his eyes widening as they landed on it. 

“He was really possessive, from the second I got out of the car.  He had his arm around me holding me to him.  I hadn’t eaten, and I wanted to go to the snacks, but every time I moved even the smallest bit, his grip would tighten.  I told him he was hurting me but he didn’t care” she said. 

“What else?” he asked, knowing there were more.  She turned around, the long, thin red horizontal stripe on her lower back, was deep, but it was starting to fade.  She hadn’t been sliced, just temporarily marked.  She pulled her shirt down and turned back to face him. 

“Is there anything else?” he asked, trying to breathe, trying to stay calm.  She bit her lip and didn’t say anything, pulling on her hair a little. 

Logan noticed. 

He notices everything.

  He knows her, everything about her.

  She was hiding something. 

He reached up, to push the hair behind her shoulder, to question her again, after he could see her whole face, and his eyes widened, landing on the splotchy, purple and red bruise.  It was sort of round, with places where it was obvious the skin was cut and blood had been spilled.  It was worse than a hicki.  It was worse than a love bite.  Logan didn’t know what to call the horrendous mark on her neck. 

“fuck” he muttered. 

He reached out, but before he could touch it, she flinched, “Please, it hurts” she said.  Logan felt that pain in his chest again. 

“What happened? What the hell is this?” he asked.  Charlie sighed.  “I finally escaped him, when I told him I had to pee.  I was in the bathroom, when I heard a knock.  When I opened the door, he was there, he locked us in, and pushed me into the sink.  He, he pulled my hair, forcing my head to the side and he started biting and sucking on my neck.” She had tears in her eyes at the memory.  “It hurt so bad and I couldn’t get away” she added softly. 

“Geez Charlie! How did you get out?” he asked.  “I, I kneed him in the nads as hard as I could and ran” she watched as his eyes widened a little, a smirk playing at his lips. 

“I know that you don’t’ like him” she said softly, “I don’t’ know exactly why, but I know you don’t.” Her eyes left his, “did you, did you know he would do this?” she asked, her voice cracking. 

His eyes flashed, How could she not know how much he cares about her? How much he Loves her?! What he would DO to protect her!

“If I had known he was going to touch you, you wouldn’t have walked out that door.” He said forcefully.  He shook his head, “I can’t believe you’d ask me that.” He said, softly, his eyes closed as he shook his head again, and he turned away.

  “I’m sorry. Logan! I’m sorry! Please don’t leave!” her voice suddenly desperate, tears reappearing, as she reached for him.  She hated herself for asking him that, for making him feel like she doubted him. Of course he didn’t’ know.  He stopped, he couldn’t walk away from her.  Even if she hadn’t been pleading with him, walking away from her is impossible.  She slid her arms around him, one around his waist, the other over his shoulder, hugging him, as she repeated “I’m Sorry” over and over in a whisper. 

Logan’s heart was throbbing.  He felt like he’d been emotionally pummeled into the ground.  He slid his arms around her waist, hugging her back, holding his life in his arms.

  Her fingers slid into his curls in the back, and Logan wanted to moan in pleasure.  It was taking every thing in him to hold onto his control.  He couldn’t lose it now, not tonight.  After being violently marred already tonight, he couldn’t push himself at her.  She’d never trust him again. 

They’d never be alone again. 

He nuzzled his face into the left side of her neck, the side that hadn’t been marked.  He squeezed his eyes shut, trying desperately to stay quiet.  

Tons of people had touched his hair.  Being a guy with curly hair, everyone wants to play with it, touch it, but it had never made him feel like this.  The curls wrapped around her fingers as she gently tugged, and Logan had never felt anything so amazing. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore.  If he held her much longer, he was going to lose it. 

He pulled away, her eyes popped open, in surprise and worry.  “Come on, Let’s go watch some TV, think about something else” he forced himself to say.

  She nodded, trying not to let on her disappointment.  If they had stayed in that kitchen, wrapped in each others arms for the rest of the night, she would have been content. 

He turned away, letting her go completely, and headed towards the stairs.  She grabbed a banana off the counter, having still not eaten anything.

His pajamas were wet, so he changed into a different pair of sweatpants, gray this time, and a black tee shirt, and crawled into his bed, turning on the TV, and waited for her.

            She went into Kayla’s bathroom, finishing her banana, and tossing the peel.  She brushed her teeth, washed her face and peeled off her clothes, pulling his Ramones tee shirt on.  She couldn’t see where she had tossed the shorts earlier, and she was too tired to really care where they were.  The shirt was so long it would have covered them anyway, so she didn’t’ see what difference it made.  She hung up her wet shirt, and damp skirt on the shower rod, tossed the leggings on Kayla’s bed, and the bra on her duffel with her toothbrush and toothpaste, and she went into Logan’s room. 

He was snuggled into his pillows, on his back, but his eyes were open, and he was flipping stations.  She crawled underneath the covers next to him.  The bed was a double, but it wasn’t large, and they were touching.  Not that either of them minded.  She laid her head down on the pillow.  

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