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            The car ride was quiet.  Well, not quiet. Very loud.  Jackson had Skrillex blaring through the small red sports car.  But the two of them were quiet.

  As they had walked down the sidewalk, the only thing Jackson thought to say was “I was hoping you’d wear a dress.” As he looked at her leggings.  Charlie bit back a response, not informing him that he was lucky she wasn’t wearing the jeans she had planned on.  She also bit back on a sarcastic comment about how the skirt wasn’t much different than her showing up in a dress, and settled for a shrug with a meaningless “sorry” attached. 

“Next time” he’d said, with a cheeky smile.  Charlie thought through that as she sat in the passengers side, silently praying the speaker’s would blow.  He already seemed positive there would be a second date, and she’d seriously considered bailing on this first one.  He didn’t need to know that.

  Charlie caught a glance of herself in the side mirror.  Jessica had done a great job with her make up, covering up all signs of the bruise that Brad had left on her.  Caking on concealer, without making her look unnatural.  She thought back to last night, in the kitchen, when Logan had seen her.  His eyes flashing.  The flashing eyes is all the anger Charlie has ever seen from him.  He’s always been very calm and laid back.  Very carefree and happy.  He’s never shown any aggression or anger, his beautiful bright blue eyes always playful and sparkling, a smile always playing at his lips.  He argues. No doubt about that.  He’s stubborn as all hell, and can make Kayla want to spit fire.  His cheeky comments can make Charlie want to kick him in the shins, but then he charms her right back with his playful smile.  She’s seen him irritated, frequently with Jackson.  She’s seen him frustrated, running his hands through his hair, rolling those gorgeous eyes as Kayla yells at him, but angry? Never. Logan’s not a fighter, he has amazing self control  The most forceful, powerful thing Charlie’s ever seen Logan do, is when he grinds his hips against hers as he pushes her into the counter, demanding answers from her, but even then Charlie knows she has nothing to be afraid of.  Logan would never hurt her.

  She wished she was with him, back in that kitchen, his hips pressed into hers, his face only inches from her, true, honest concern in his eyes as he stared at her bruise.  The car stopped, breaking Charlie from her thoughts of the adorable curly-haired boy. 

“Come on, babe” Jackson said.  Charlie cringed.  She hated being called that.  It was like the go-to name of all her mother’s boyfriends.  Ninety five percent of them never bothered to learn her name, referring to her as “babe” “doll face” or “kid” all of which, she HATED.

  She got out of the car, as he came around.  He slammed the door shut before she was completely sure she was out of the car, grabbing her, his arm around her waist, holding her close.  Which most guys do as a sign of protection, comfort, but Charlie felt uneasy.  He wasn’t protecting her, he was claiming her.  HE strolled into the party like he owned the place, weaving her through people, until he found his friends. 

Charlie couldn’t’ remember why she’d accepted this date. Why was she stupid? Immediately Logan’s face popped into her head, and guilt flooded through her.  She’d agreed to tick off Logan, because of a stupid text message that he wasn’t even responsible for.  A text message that had been a compliment.  She owed him an apology, although she wasn’t sure how to apologize for something that he wasn’t aware of. 

The music was blasting, but no one was dancing.  Everyone in this kitchen was just standing around talking, and the living room attached, didn’t appear to have movement either.  Charlie had had naps more exciting than this party.  A group of guys in the dining room were chugging beers, an empty keg lay on the ground, another was propped up on the table.  Charlie could smell the weed in the air.  She was not comfortable with this. 

She tried to walk away, to grab a snack off the table, she hadn’t eaten dinner and her stomach was growling, but Jackson’s arm tightened around her, his fingers pressing deep into her sides, sure to leave bruises.

Charlie had left at 8.  Now it’s 9, the Chinese food is gone, Ben went home, and Logan is crawling into his bed.  He’s exhausted from practice, plus he didn’t get a good rest on that couch this morning. 

            Jessica had a date tonight too, to go see a movie with a guy named Darren Rogers.  He’s a pretty cool guy, so when Kayla mentioned it, Logan just nodded.  Avalon had to go home before her grandmother started worrying about her.  Kayla decided to go with her.  She figured it would be LATE when Charlie got back and she wouldn’t want to talk anyway, and she could just crash in her bed, and they could talk in the morning, when she came home.  She had told Logan where she was going and told him to leave the back door unlocked for Charlie.  She had forgotten her phone, and didn’t realize until she and Avalon were already at Ava’s house.  She sighed, assuming she could get through the night without it, and settled onto the couch in Ava’s room, as Ava flipped stations.

               Charlie was bored out of her mind.  It was going on 10, and Jackson was still standing there talking to his friends.  She was STARVING, but she had stopped trying to escape his grasp.  Every time she moved, his grip tightened, the fingers pressing harder.  It was taking everything Charlie had not to whimper in pain, and she didn’t think she could take his arm getting tighter.  He ignored her attempts to speak.  She had realized within 5 minutes that she wasn’t so much his date, as she was his trophy for his friends to stare at while he spoke.  Charlie wanted to escape, she wanted to go back to Kayla’s house and curl up in bed.  Preferably Logan’s.  She blushed at the thought.  She’d never slept in his room before, but she’d daydreamed about it, snuggling into his pillow, his arms wrapped around her, smelling his intoxicating scent, his warmth overtaking her.  She’d sleep like a rock.

Charlie’s had issues sleeping for years, ever since one of her mom’s boyfriends jerked her out of bed at 3 am, when she was 15.  He was drunk, and horny, and Charlie’s mom was at work.  Charlie had managed to stomp on his foot, distracting him enough that she could shove him away and run before anything could happen.  Ever since that night, she’s been a very light, and distressed sleeper.  Usually getting 3 hours max. 

She realized about a year ago, that she started sleeping a full 8 hours when she was at Kayla’s, and started spending the night there more often.  But then she started to realize another trend.  She only got her full 8, when Logan was in the house.  If he was staying at a friends, she laid awake as usual. Somehow his presence, even as far as 50 feet away, made her feel safer.  Safe enough to sleep.

  She found herself wishing that he would come storming through that kitchen door, pulling her away from Jackson, telling him to keep his dirty hands off of her.

  She had to pee.  She’d had to pee for a good thirty minutes now, and she couldn’t’ take it anymore.  She reached down, attempting to pry his fingers from her side, ‘Jackson” she said, trying to get his attention, but he ignored her.  “Jackson!” She said a little louder, not wanting to draw attention to herself, just wanting him to listen for a second. Finally he glanced at her.  “I have to go” she said.  “You’re not going anywhere” he mumbled, as he nuzzled his nose against her ear, pulling her closer, Charlie sucked air in through her teeth, in pain, the noise made Jackson smile, “You like that?” He mumbled, pulling her again.  “No, it hurts, and I have to go” she said.  “You’re not going anywhere.” He repeated, more forcefully.  “Would you prefer that I pee on the floor? I’m sure you’re friends would find that amusing.” She said sarcastically, keeping her voice low.  He grunted, but his grip loosened.  Finally letting her go.

  She made her escape to the bathroom, weaving her way through the couples making out all over the living room.  She was disgusted, a make out party on the first date.  She wanted to punch him in the nads. 

 After she went, she inspected her side.  She had been right, the bruises had started to form, in the shape of his palm, and fingertips.  She was mad.  She couldn’t believe he would be so overbearing, so possessive.  This is their first, and LAST date, if you can even call it that.  She pulled out her phone, trying to call Kayla, but she didn’t’ answer.  She knew she couldn’t’ call Jess, she’s out on a date, and would just tell her to own it, and then say something about popularity, and bad boys being sexy.  She knew calling Avalon was useless too, her cars been in the shop all week.  She tried Kayla again. No answer.  She seriously debated, crawling through the window, when she heard a rough knock on the door.  

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