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     Kayla giggled.  “What pumpkin?” she’d already heard about the shoe breaking, when Charlie had to explain to Jess why she wouldn’t be getting them back.

The shortened story.

“I don’t’ know I just needed a third thing”  Both girls burst into laughter, the exhaustion taking a toll on them.

“I hardly even saw you at the dance, where did you end up?” Charlie asked her best friend. 

“I spent most of the night next to the punch table, until Kyle took pity on me and asked me to dance.” 

“Aww, Kyle’s a cutie! And a WILD dancer! How long did he keep you out on the dance floor?”

“it had to be at least an hour, I may never be able to walk again” the girls burst into another fit of giggles.  They talked until they fell asleep.

     It was about 12, and the girls were in the kitchen searching for “breakfast” when Logan walked in the back door.  He looked exhausted, his curls were a mess, and he was still wearing what he had on last night.  Kayla looked at him,

‘Where were you?” she asked. 

“I crashed on Ben’s couch” he said, yawning a little, tossing his phone and keys on the counter,

“Oh, Ben said this was yours” he said, reaching in his back pocket and pulling out Charlie’s phone, and holding it out to her. 

“thanks” she said, taking it, as she looked at his curls, relieved that they were couch curls, and not sex hair. 

“I like your hair by the way” she teased him.  He let out a short laugh

“Thanks” he said, pushing his hand through it, his cheeks turning a very soft shade of pink.

No one can make him blush quite like she can.

“We’re thinking about going to pick up some food, you wanna come with?” Kayla asked him. 

“Can’t, I have to go to practice” he picked up an apple and examined it, then put it back, and picked up the bowl of grapes that Charlie had been snacking on. 

“Can we come?”

“what?” both Charlie and Logan asked as they stopped what they were doing and looked at her, with priceless expressions on their faces. 

“I mean, yeah, totally, I want to see you guys practice” Charlie corrected, realizing that hour with Kyle last night must have meant something to Kayla that she hadn’t mentioned last night.  Logan’s confused expression turned to Charlie, before looking back at his sister, then his eyes turned to Frisbees,

“Which one of my friends do you have a crush on? No, wait, no, I don’t’ want to know” he said, eating a grape and walking quickly out of the room with the bowl.

          Charlie looked at Kayla with wide eyes and a smile playing at her lips,

What was that?”

“A total disaster” Kayla said rolling her eyes as her cheeks turned into tomatoes. 

“So, that dance with Kyle huh?” she teased her friend, picking up the apple that Logan had discarded, and took a bite.  She tried to hold in her laugh as her best friends’ cheeks turned impossibly more red. 

“come on, let’s go.  We have to be ready, or he won’t give us a ride” Charlie said, taking her hand and pulling her towards the stairs,

“Wait, you’re really going?”

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